Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Second Generation Cheerleader?
03-08-2003 E 6:24 p.m.
I'm tired. I'm hot. And I'm clueless, to quote the movie. This stinking paper is proving to be more of a challenge than I am wanting or enjoying. Thursday, when I changed the topic slightly it sounded better, but then...I got thinking and rethinking. If I just concentrated on the Odyssey and The Bacchae it would be a too recent echo of my last response paper. I don't want that nor do I think she'd be appreciative of or wanting an echo. *sighs* So...back to the drawing board of the original topic of choice. Whoopee. *twirls finger* Scotland can't come too soon for me.

Kami's come home for her Spring Break. Lucky stiff. And Aubree's trying out for cheerleading. She goes to the junior high next year. Heaven help us then if she's chosen, and heaven help the squad and school. Now, before you frown on me for taking this attitude in regarding this, let me explain my feelings. For the long time readers, you have some idea of what she's like. So you already understand, if not fully agreeing with my sentiment. For those just passing through, well Aubree's too complex to sum up in one entry. Just know she's a typical teeny bopper hooked on images and popularity.

I love my sister and I see this cheerleader thing in conflicting views. On one hand I think it may be a good outlet for her to channel her excess energy towards. (Trust me, she has loads of it.) It may level her hyperness out a bit--one hopes--so that she's not restless or bouncing off zee walls here at home. Plus, it'll get her involved in extra-curricular activities. And well, she's that type.

On the other hand, the negative side to this, if she's chosen, would be seeing her already uppity 'tude worsening to outright snobbery. Something she's good at even now.

Personally, though it would be a mixed blessing if she was chosen, I don't see it happening. 1) She's not relaxed or fluid in her motions. 2) She's not exacting in her motions and she still is a tad offbeat to the words. And 3) She's not animated or limber enough. But, we'll see. If only Mom still was as limber as she was when she cheered. Then Aubree would have an example to follow and be able to see how precise cheering is.
Be yourself. Who else is better qualified?
~Frank J. Giblin II~

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