Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Check Please
06-10-2002 E 8:56 p.m.
I tell ya, if I had two cents and if it weren't so windy and cold, I'd take a walk...a nice lloonnng walk. Perhaps the fresh air would have done me good and cleared my headache, which feels like it's the size of New Mexico. (I hate poppin' pills. I'm always afraid I could become addicted, which I think stems from the knowledge I had as a kid that the pain killers I took during times of recooperation from surgeries had addictive ingredients in them. So I look to other methods.)

I think it's partly because I stayed up with Jon who watched the World Cup. So I'm very tired. I'm also irritable because ever since the master of the house came home he's been in an off-mood. You risk getting your head bitten off if you so much as make an innocent remark. When he's like this it's best to find yourself in another location.

Then there's Aubree who is trying to act like a sophisticated society miss, just because her best friend is over. When she's like this, I'm beneath her; she doesn't have to listen to me. Oh no. I have no authority when it comes to her. And as usual she tries my patience when in this mood. Or should I say attitude??

Mike and Dad got into it about having pets when they move to Monterey. Because Dad has been in the Navy he has experience in certain armed forces regulations. But Michael is in the Armed Forces now. Twenty-odd years makes a heck of a difference. Plus, Michael asked his commanding officer about pets. Dad was trying to make Michael see he couldn't possibly have pets and if he could then he and Jen would be paying steep fees for having pets. Michael was trying to tell him he understood and was willing to pay it. Both males are stubborn and were not listening to each other. Dad ended up saying, "You'll just have to learn." Meaning, 'You'll have to find out for yourself before you see it my way.'

And finally Mom asked about my grades. I couldn't see a way around telling her the awful truth. So I did the honest thang. I wish I hadn't. Because now she intends to get to the bottom of it. Which means taking on zee professor. *hides face in hands* I'm am an adult. I should be the one to take care of it or let it lie as is if I so choose. And frankly, I'm tired of school, period. I don't really want to pursue it right now. I want, and have as of right now, the freedom to move on in my life. I've been stagnant and in a rut. I need something new!

I hate all the tension in this house when it builds up like this. I had had tonight. Amidst the hubbub of Aubree's belated birthday party I looked at Jen and held up a finger like they do in restaurants and said, "Check please." I wanted out. I am so tense, my back, ankle, shoulders and neck feel like I've been through h-e-double hockey sticks. Anybody good with a massage?

The only good thangs that happened today included my triumphant clean up of Egypt's mess. He could smell french fries in a garbage can and stood on his back paws to look inside. LOL And with one paw he rummaged through the debris till he found the discarded french fries. I tried to shoo him away, but was too late. His weight toppled the nearly full can. So I put him outside and rummaged through Mom's silverware drawer for her spaghetti tongs. Then one by one I leaned over the arm of the wheelchair, stretching as far as I could and snatched the candy wrappers, the empty Sonic drink container, the straw, the kleenex and Aubree's disgarded list of "I wants." Amazingly enough the stubby leftovers of fries remained in zee garbage.

Funny how I was talking about weddings yesterday because Jessy called. Now, I can't reveal this to anyone in my family, but it's too good of news that I must tell it here. She's engaged, but he hasn't formally popped the question. She's looking at getting her endowments out in July, and is thinking about having me as her escort through the temple. If I am, I think I'm gonna need a lot of kleenex. I tend to be emotional at the temple. *sheepish grin*

And lastly, I talked to Nan! They had the best time at Nauvoo. Oh! And she gave me some possibly welcome news. Aunt Colleen and her fam might move to Utah. A hotel in Park City is interested in my Uncle Kevin. He manages hotels. If they do move then it'll bring us, them and Nan closer distancewise. (Nan's always visiting her youngest child. It would be an excuse for Nan to come visit us. But until it happens I ain't putting too hope in this.)
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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