Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Bridal Vents
08-05-2002 E 5:20 p.m.
'Ullo. I like the plug for this diary. Txdaisy wrote: "It's not a fairytale...it's my life." I don't know why, but the simpleness appeals to me. Perhaps it's because I feel like that a lot.

Two more days till the wedding. I can't believe it's come up so fast! And that Jessy is actually the bride. I figured what everyone else did--including Jessy herself. That she'd not get married till after she graduated from school. I even thought perhaps I'd get a chance before her. But love happens like that sometimes; it sneaks up on you. LOL

She donned her bridal wear as a preview for the women this morning (she and Nathaniel's family stayed the night last night). She was quite lovely, and looking at her it finally hit home she is actually a bride. I loved the dress, veil and jewelry, but only Jessy could add other touches to make herself look like royalty. She has a tiara to go with the veil, and she has a full slip that poofs the dress out. On her, I don't think it's very flattering to her figure. Or to the dress' lines. Bbuutt, it's her wedding.

She also showed us the flowers for the bridal party. She has red roses and fire and ice ones with white and blue gauzy ribbons. Ookk, this is the most interesting wedding I've ever been a part of. None of the others had such...a unique choice of decorations and colors. Her colors are: blue, bluegreen and that puce or light sage green I mentioned earlier. I don't mean to be rude or disloyal to a sister, but I about shuddered in distaste when they left. And she wants to be an interior designer or architect!

Course, people may think the same about the colors I choose if ever I tie zee knot. Right now, my current color choices would be pansy purple, white and gold. And now that I've seen hers, I have an idea of how I'd like my bouquet...white roses with purple tigerlilies in a lighter shade than pansies, but then have ribbons that darker purple and gold. Anyways... It may not sound all that sweet, but I think so. That's what matters.

Then there's the cake top. She's chosen a lovely one--however, it's a statuette fit for a shelf, not a cake. It's too tall for the average sized wedding cake! Are you seeing a pattern of overstated grandness here? The cake top I would like is just a minature figurine of whichever temple we happen to marry in. Nothing cutesy, just simple elegance that accents the cake, not overshadow it.

*sighs* I feel bad for feeling the way I do, but the whole way she's...gone about this and acted toward us...it's hard. "You can't do this. You can't do that. You can't wear blah blah blah... You can be semi-bridesmaids." Oh! And then there's Kami's tragic outfit. She gave Jess her measurements and Jess said the fabrics' patterns were cut to Kami's size. Ha! We got the outfit back from the seamstress today, and let's see... the outfit is a size too large for her!! The pants swamp her and should be taken up at least two or three inches. The top is the same with the sides. But the others' outfits fit jjjuusst fine.

But enough venting. Until my return.

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moon phase


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