Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
It's Not This Bubblehead's Day (LOL)
10-30-2001 E 7:46 p.m.
Howdy. You know what? Next week is Test Week, not this week. LOL I realized it on the bus going to school today. For some stupid reason I mixed up next Tuesday with this Thursday. *rolls eyes* I'm such a bubblehead. And it doesn't stop there. Last night after carving pumpkins I was "retold" the reason for the sudden visit to see Jessy. She's getting her patriarchal blessing.

I was shocked and filled with wonder. Jessy getting her patriarchal blessing? Wow! Well, the shock musta been plain on my face because both Mom and Dad looked at me like "Where have you been?!"

"I told you about it earlier this week," Mom said.

"We've only been talking about it all week (last week)," Dad added.

I swear they haven't. They swear they have. I feel silly and very much like a bubblehead; or maybe coming up for air after having pulled down by undertows. Have I really been that submerged in school, just now coming out of it because midterms are over? That's kinda scary. But then mid-terms are always nightmares for me; finals are slightly better.

Anyways back to today. Today has been like a comedy of errors. Starting at lunch. We went to Sam's Club. I had a pretzel drier than sand with an odd taste to it. Mom had a delicious sandwich which she tried to share after tasting my pretzel. Mom tried putting a piece of mustard coated meat on my piece of pretzel, only to have it slide off onto my pant leg. She made a second attempt, this time landing it on my shirt.

I'm like Great, and I have a test to go to. Mom's next bright idea was to cut the sandwich in half and put the sack on my lap as a covering. With this bite, lettuce and an onion fell on my chest.

This reminded me of my profesora's "helpful" suggestions at homework. (She thought typing my assignments might be faster and with the audio assignment, she suggested I xerox the pages. *shakes head* None of them worked out.) I knew as I stared at the bright yellow stain in my shirt I should quit while I was ahead. I told Mom so. She laughed.

Mom wasn't finished with me yet. In the bathroom she nicked me with her watch. And banged the injured knee on the sharp edge of the tp container. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So I did both. Mom then began to rummage through her purse for a band-aid. In the meantime I needed to get to class.

"Um, Mom?" I tried gaining her attention. "We need to get to class." But on she rummaged.

I ended up with the Mom's au natural band-aid, a wettened piece of toilet paper on the ole knee. *rolls eyes again* I don't recommend it. Unless...you're bleeding.

Then there was zee "quizlet" as the profesora teasingly called it. I knew the stuff ok, but I coulda studied better. Let's say I think I got a C. Oh flipping well. I have next Thursday to redeem myself. Ta! I think I'll read or email some friend-a-roonies.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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