Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Bridging the Chasm of Time For a Brief Moment
05-30-2004 E 5:35 p.m.
Whelp, Jon has joined the ranks of graduated children in this family. One more to go--Aubree. He graduated Wednesday up at the Hart Gynasium on the university's campus.

My own high school graduation was there as well, almost exactly to the day 11 years ago, and it brought back such a feeling of nostalgia, sitting there in the bleachers with Grandma B. and Mom. (We tried going early to reserve seats, but even then it was crowded and all the wheelchair spots were taken up or reserved.) Graduates in red (boys) or white (girls) caps and gowns milled about below on the huge blue mat covering the floor, and big '2004' sign(?) made of flowers--red and white (red, white and gray are Madison's school colors)--stood near the stage. Chairs for the graduates, orchestra and faculty were placed juuussst right for when their occupants claimed them.

Anna, a girl I'd graduated with, and her family sat on the row above us. I turned to her and said, "Doesn't this bring back memories? I feel so old!"

"I know," she replied. "It seems so long ago." And she smiled.

Eleven years ago is a long time indeed. And, as I already said, I feel so old. I feel like I should have accomplished more than I have in that time. True, I've earned an Associates and Bachelor's degree, both in Journalism, but that's it. *splays hands with palms up and wears a wry smile* True, also, my life hasn't followed the same format as others have after high school and college, that of getting a job and/or starting a family. My disability has necessitated that I take a slightly different road. Many people my age have had jobs in the intervening years. Some have fallen into opportune jobs or into situations that lead them to a job-of-a-lifetime.

Being at that graduation bridged the chasm of time for me for a lil while at least. Instead of being in the bleachers, I was the one on the floor in my white cap and gown and red and red and white tassel. Three hundred eight classmates were with me; and instead of '04 being on our tassels it was '93. Instead of the flowers by the stage reading '2004' they spelled '1993.'

I don't remember the ceremony, except for how I felt: nervous, anxious and fearful that I'd screw up somehow or get the back of someone's ankles with my feet rests. I do remember the part where I shook hands with the appropriate people and received a red carnation and my diploma cover. The dress I wore still stands out indellibly in my mind. It was ankle length, buttoned down the front to the waist and was blue with a tropical flowered print. It was pretty and one of my favorites.

Grandpa and Grandma B. came then too. And Grandpa was figidity both times. He kept stepping out when he was bored. *laughs*

I didn't go to my Senior party. I felt like I needed to be home, as they came to see me. (Jon went to his though and had a blast.) I didn't feel as if I missed out on anything by not going. We had ice cream cake, laughed and visited. I think I preferred it that way.

Eleven years. Then and now. Our motto was "We have the world at our fingertips." Jon's class' is "We are no longer following in the footsteps of others, but making our own." Fine mottos indeed. The passage of time waits for no one, and it's at this point in our lives, when we are young, that we do have the world at our fingertips and are making our own footsteps. The world is an open door with so many choices. And it is up to us to make the most of them.

Nostalgia brings about some interesting thoughts, doesn't?

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