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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Most Disturbing Sense of Dej� V�
05-29-2004 E 10:04 p.m.
I know it's late, but perhaps I can sneak in a short entry before I'm asked to relinguish the family computer. *sighs* Yes, my computer is still a non-working one, and I doubt I'll get it back in working order before the 8th (Aubree's birthday). But that's the way life goes sometimes. As a writer without her favorite implement of choice, in the past few weeks I sometimes have felt more restricted or handicapped than I normally do with the real disability I have. *shrugs* Ah well. When something is lost, adapt. Brave words when things are easier said than done.
Something else, besides my prolonged lack of a personal computer, has been disturbing me lately.

Has anyone seen the previews for The Steppford Wives yet? Though Jessy tells me it's a new movie--and on some level I believe her--I swear Nicole Kidman had already made that movie some years ago. So imagine my sense of deep dej� v� and feeling of great surprise when I first saw the previews.

Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I've been out of the loop as far as movies, time and social activities go. But I swear, once again, that this movie has already been made--with the same cast. And with that dej� v�, comes a "long-had" impression that it's a weird show, an impression I did not gain from watching the trailers recently aired on tv. I just knew, or remembered, when I first saw them in the last week or so that it had sounded weird when I'd first heard about the movie.

Jessy also said that there is a movie already made called, The Steppford Husbands, and perhaps I've confused that with this new movie coming out. But I've never even heard of The Steppford Husbands before! Therefore, I couldn't have mixed up the two movies. But the sense of dej� v� remains and comes back harder than ever each time I see a preview.

Just call me crazy. I even looked up Kidman's filmography in hopes that it would help me put this biggest sense of dej� v� I've had in a long time to rest. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. The Steppford Wives is a 2004 film all right. *frowns* My sense of dej� v� will remain unanswered.

But it drives me nuts that I seemed to know about it or had an impression of the movie's weirdness some years before it was even conceived as a film! How did I know of it?! How did I know how Nicole Kidman would look in her character's role, or that Nicole Kidman even stars in it? There're no logical answers to my questions, but I do/did(?) know how she looks in the show, that she plays the main character. I knew these facts before I saw the previews.

I don't think I like dej� v� anymore.

(updated 06-05-04)
Hmm, looks like I beat P-O-Y to a topic this week. Lucky me to have had a subconscious psychic streak this week. P-O-Y's prompt is simply this: What is dej� v�? Have you experienced it before?

I think my above experience speaks for itself and answers these questions.

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