Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Bottle of Erised
11-13/14-2005 E 4:30 p.m.
Feeling-- all right
Reading-- Decoy by Jasmine Cresswell
I'm grateful for-- a working Internet

I got my wish sooner than expected--well, it was a "looking forward to" desire. It snowed again today, and this time the snow stayed, making for a wet, semi-white world. =0}

Time In a Bottle
If I could save time in a bottle,
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away,
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever,
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time,
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know,
You're the one I want to go
Through time with

If I had a box just for wishes,
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty,
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time,
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know,
You're the one I want to go
Through time with

Jim Croce

Time. What a concept; what a contradiction. It's fast, it's slow. It's irreversible yet it's reversible. It's yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's a second, it's 60 minutes, it's 24 hours, it's a week, a month, a year, a century, a milennium. It's eternal.

And we're all ruled by it, though we wish we had control over it.

"I would give all my possessions for just a moment of time."

~Queen Elizabeth I~

Sometimes I feel like this, like Jim Croce sings. If I could save time in a bottle,/The first thing that I'd like to do is store up all the good times from when my brothers, my sisters and I were kids. Those were simpler, more innocent times, and we all did things as a family still. Michael wasn't in Iraq in constant danger, and Jon was here at home, not about to leave for a foreign country for two years. Kami wasn't thinking of moving into a place of her own with a friend or down to Arizona to help/be with Jessy and Nathaniel for awhile. And Aubree, though very much still stubborn and strong-willed, wasn't suffering from the growing pains and cruelty that comes with being a teenager.

True, if those times could be captured and relived anytime I wanted, anytime things get tense or awkward here, there would be a good chance I'd get caught up in that timeframe, creating a time loop where I'd never progress. I'd be stuck, reliving the same days over and over again--my own version of Groundhog's Day. There possibly would never have been a Brogan or a Cannon, and I would miss out on the joy of my two nephews. This bottle then, if I were able to save time in order to relive it and cherish it, would be like Harry Potter's Mirror of Erised, an artifact that shows the viewer whatever his or her heart desires most. In so doing, he or she becomes at risk of being consumed with what he or she sees in the looking glass. As Dumbledore told Harry, people who become obsessed with things viewed in the mirror lose their lives. They cannot exist outside the world the mirror creates for them.

I guess then the bottle holding moments of time could accurately be called--taking license with Ms. Rowling's terminolgy--the Bottle of Erised.

The night we returned home from taking Jon to the Mission Training Center (MTC) in Provo was one of the hardest. I'd cried on and off for two days before and I couldn't stop that night. (This was the 26th of October.) My heart squoze at any thought of my baby brother, now a young man, not being here for the next two years. I was in conflict with myself. I wanted him to go and serve the mission he's been called on, to help and meet those people I know who are just waiting for him, who need him. Yet the selfish part of me didn't want him to go, because I'll miss him--I do miss him--so much. He's an exceptional young man, a true gentleman with a compassionate, gentle nature, and his absence creates such a hole in our home.

That night was definitely a moment when I'd have given almost anything I have to be able to store those early times in a bottle. *blinks back tears thinking on that night*

Mom reminded me then if we had that capability, if we never moved on from that point or those moments, we would have missed all the good things that have come since. I wouldn't have known any of my good friends from college; I wouldn't have gained the self-esteem I now have; I wouldn't have known Heather or Emma; I wouldn't have two wonderful nephews with a third one on the way in March (Jessy's second). And I wouldn't have gotten reacquainted with Christina, my childhood friend.

There's also another good reason for me to be glad I can't control or save time in a bottle. Reliving those times on any occasion I wanted to would make them less precious, more commonplace and ordinary. And knowing myself I would grow bored after a time, wanting something new and different.

Perhaps it's indeed a good thing you and I cannot, do not, have a Bottle of Erised in our possession.

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moon phase


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