Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Bio--A Survey
02-09-2002 E 9:43 p.m.
I was too lazy to try and label the nothings that didn't really happen today, plus I figured it was about time I added a bio. This survey seemed like a quick and fun way to come up with a bio so here it is! Enjoy.

Name: Shiloh

Nickname: Shi (only by family and close friends), Shy, Shi-Shi (only by Kami--and only when I'm in a good mood), Sunshine Baby, Smiley Girl

Where do you live: In the winter it's aptly named "Iceburg"


Written your own song?: nope, I'm not very lyrical

Written a poem for a guy/girl? yeah, but it's for someone I've only met in my dreams LOL Corny huh?

Been kissed? not in in five years, aren't I pathetic or what? =os

Done Drugs? yeah, I'm on acid--Valproic Acid for seizures--gotcha!

Been on stage? yuppers, you can't escape those elementary programs, ya know

Wet your pants? what's it to ya?

Been dumped? Twice--though my ex-boyfriend would mostly like to take credit for severing friendship ties in December. Not on his lifearoo was the severing his to be had. Five times if ya count fairweather friendships

How Many Times? Once by my ex, once by Evan, and if friendships do count...five more times as I've just said

Dumped someone else? nope, haven't gotten a chance

How Many Times? zip

Been in a car accident? once

Cheated on a significant other? nope, I once dreamed of the same unknown dream guy for a whole week. A friend told me that is a sign I'll be faithful. She never once interpreted my dreams wrongly

Hiked a mountain? nope, but I've descended into caverns

Swam in the ocean? nope only in the Gulf of Mexico

Been stung by a jelly fish? nope, but was probably pinched by a crab--hey I was in the water. Do you think it thought I was cute? *fishy face*

Been out of the country? only to Tiajuana

Stayed home on a Saturday night? all the time

Been in love? I've come close to it twice

Drank? yep

Smoked? nope nope


Shampoo: Herbal Essences or any fruity aromatic shampoos

Toothpaste: Mentadent, Whitening

Soap: Irish Spring aaall the way, baby

Food: Chinese

TV Show: Charmed; Witchblade

Season: summer baby right here

Designer Brand: anything that doesn't say Paris Sport's Club

Car: it would be a champange gold convertible

Color: purple, peach

College Basketball team: don't have one

Gum: I'm liking any mint flavors of Eclipse right now

Thing to do in your spare time: crosstitch, surf the web, read, and develop Covano's background

Place to be kissed: lips, neck

Sport to participate in: swimming

Sport to watch: basketball, hockey, figure skating

Place to go to be alone: in my day dreams

Restaurant: Chili's, it has the best chicken enchilada soup ever! Yum!


Coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate with irish cream or a peppermint candy cane

Cold or Hot? hot

Jeans or Khakis? jeans

Sweaters or Sweatshirts? sweaters

Shorts or Pants? pants

Wide-ruled or College ruled paper? college ruled

Milk or Water? chocolate milk

Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi

Sprite or 7up? they taste about the same ter me

Pen or Pencil? pen

T-shirt or Tank top? t-shirt

Chocolate or Plain milk? chocolate

Spring or Fall? spring, love is in the air and hey--I might get lucky one of these day!

Math or Science? Science, I HATE math

Rap or Country? given a choice between these two, I'd take Country any day

Glass half full or half empty? half full


Cried? last night seeing the WTC flag while hearing The Star Spangled Banner at the Olympics

Been extremely pissed off? yesterday

Eaten Ice Cream? just this evening

Helped someone? yep

Bought something? almost

Not known the answer to a question? yes

Cut your hair? heck no, trying to grow it out!

Gotten dressed up? nopers

Been sarcastic? probably

Seen an old friend? yes

Sung? nope, if I did dogs would run away

Gone to the movies? nope

Felt stupid? yeah when I was told twice I was nosy. Hey! They were simple, innocuous questions

Said "I love you" not to a family member? yes

Been kissed? nope

Written a real letter? no

Taken a test? nope

Met someone new? unfortunately no

Talked to an ex? not since December

Written in a journal? lol what do you think I'm doing now?

Watched your favourite movie? no

Read a book? yes

Given someone a present? nopers

Hugged someone? yes

Had a nightmare? nope

Gotten in a fight with someone? yes

Gotten in a fight with your parents? yes


Eat broccoli? yeah

Have a goldfish? nope

Have any pets? a cat

Take walks in the rain? I have

Have a tattoo? no

Keep in touch with old friends? I try, but it doesnt always work


...is the last cd you bought? The Princess Diaries soundtrack

...is your computer? A Dell

...are you doing tonight? I watched tv

...do you want to live when you get older? by the ocean

...do you want to go for your honeymoon? a cruise would be nice

...do you go to school? ISU


To be when you grow up? A published author, a wife and mother

To change about yourself: my weight

People to see you as? a smart vibrant fun person

To dream about tonight? my dream guy

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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