Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Bill Cosby and Troublemakers
06-19-2005 E 4:19 p.m.
Feeling-- drowsy
Reading-- Full Pursuit by Jasmine Cresswell
Listening to-- nothing

Second entry of the day--

(originally written on 12-05-2003)
I've come to the conclusion that many of my strange dreams happen in the early morning. Like this one. It's another celebrity dream, only this time with Bill Cosby. But let me start at the beginning:

I was back at the Scroll office on the college campus here. I dunno if I was on staff again or if I was just a visitor. My former adviser, who's adviser to the Scroll, was critiquing and overseeing a layout of the new issue and he wasn't too pleased. I don't know if I was just a watcher there or if he was talking to me about making the changes.

Then the scene changed and I was 16-17-years-old again and in some class of what seemed to be troublemakers taught by Bill Cosby. For some reason I had Aubree with me as I was responsible for her. He (Cosby) had us doing an interactive quiz?/treasure hunt, and I was slow on the uptake. He was showing us this video that was telling us to number a piece of notebook paper from 1 to 22, I think. Then we were supposed to write down the things the video told us to look out for. Like I said, I was slow on the uptake and was behind in doing the task. As I was in a hurry I messed up on the numbers. I got to 10 then I put 16, 17, etc. down. I didn't realize my mistake until I went to write down the things I saw on the outing. The objective of the whole exercise was to find all the objects or animals named before we had to return to class. And if we didn't, we'd be docked a point for each thing we missed. Naturally, I was behind and messing up 'cause I was in a flustered hurry. All too soon time ran out and we were filing back into the school and classroom. I was in a panic 'cause I had the assignment partly finished. A tall kid with lanky hair to his jaw like a Weeping Willow took pity on me and was bent over me, trying fill in my paper before Bill Cosby came through the door after the last of the students. But he came in all too soon as we were frantically trying to renumber my page quickly.

This is what Dreamstop says about what was analyzed. "Hmm. Traditionally, to see an 'unknown' visitor is a warning dream. Look at what the visitor does, what they're wearing and how they are behaving. If it is threatening, you may sense some obstacle in your life that may 'pay you an unwanted visit' soon. But just dreaming about it means you're probably preparing yourself. Stand your ground!

Let's see. If you dream of talking in general, you may be worrying too much about a bunch of annoying little problems that are bugging you right now, one of which could involve a close relative. Relax! If you hear others speaking in a loud voice, this means that you may be worrying about being accused of trading gossip about one of your friends.

There were 8 other dream symbols found in your dream entry."

Hmm, I'm not sure how much bearing I should put into this one. I was the visitor, at least I think I was, yet Aubree was one too. But all she did was sit quietly beside me.

Symbol of celebrity; Dreaming of celebrity are we? To dream of celebrities shows that your need for attention may be a driving force in your daily life right now. Look at what kind of attention you are craving. Is it from a specific person? If you dream that you are a celebrity, this may mean that you desire to fly higher than your current social standing is allowing (maybe it's time to hire a publicist!) To dream a loved one becomes a celebrity means that you may have a secret fear of losing this person to the world.

This doesn't really help either. Unless I should just take certain aspects of each of these meanings and try to reason through them... I am probably trying to seek attention from my family in that I want to be included (i.e. if Mom goes to I.F. I want to be included) or with Heather, my friend, with her talk of her boyfriend, I may be wanting her or hoping she talks about me or us with me or with her boyfriend. I dunno.

Symbol of sister: Dreaming of a sibling is pretty normal. However, if one of your siblings is missing in a dream, or a sibling that you don't have in the waking hours appears in a dream, you may want to read on. If you are aware in your dream that a brother or sister is missing, then you may want to look at your perceptions of your family as a whole. Are you fighting a lot? Are you out of communication? If you become close to a classmate, co-worker or friend, they will sometimes show up as a sibling in your dream. If you feel comfortable with them there in the dream, then it is positive. If their presence makes you uncomfortable, you may subconciously feel too close to that person in real life.

Also not helpful. Aubree was in my dream, not missing. Though she has been on my nerves a lot lately...

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moon phase


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