Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Bigger Isn't Always Better
11-16-2001 E 4:55 p.m.
I tell ya, it seems like most of the rude people can only find jobs at ISU. ISU seems to have an inordinate amount of rude people on its staff. One in particular is Liz in Accounts Payable and Receiveable. I called the number on zee bill I got yesterday, as I said I would. Well, I was tranferred to Liz the Grouch.

"Hello, Accounts Payable and Receivable. This is Liz." Completely professional and impersonal.

"Um yes. This is Shiloh -----. I received a bill for $996.77 yesterday and--"

"What's your ID number?" She cut me off brusquely.

I was startled that she interrupted me, but I gave her my number. I was about to tell her that three days ago I'd received a tranpay of this semester I had to sign and return. Which I did. On the tranpay it said they had received my payment. Now you see my confusion? But again she cut me off.

"What was the date of the bill?" She now sounded impatient. It was the 13th.

"Um--" the date was on the tip of my tongue when she rudely said, "It's up in the corner!" With each word she grew more annoyed.

Duh lady. It's right in plain sight. I again attempted to explain about the tranpay I'd received and that I had paid the bill before the 1st. But I never got the chance.

Liz sounded really annoyed now, like I was wasting her "precious" time. "I made up that bill on the 13th and mailed it on the 14th. You paid on the 15th. We hadn't gotten your payment yet." And with that her boorish (I love my thesaurus) silence clearly relayed she was done with the call. A quick bye and the line clicked dead. Gee, thanks lady. I wasn't done. I wanted to ask her how they could charge me with a bill for the full amount plus interest when they had fully admitted getting the check I had sent before the due date! But...fine lady I didn't want to deal with your surly butt anyway.

It just seems sometimes the bigger a city or university, the more impersonal or rude people are. They are in their own lil worlds and don't usually want ta help. However, with smaller institutions, it has been my happy experience that people are cheerful, friendly and are more than willing to take time to help you. For example, my advisor Susan, in I.F. I was assured I would get a check from my financial aid once I signed my tranpay. Well, today all I got was a receipt. When I called Susan she was the epitome of helpfulness and she's going to find out what's going on. So bigger isn't always better.

As for the rest of my to-do list they're all accomplished. I went back and checked them all off. I'm quite proud of myself. Most of them were done by nine this morning. Oh! The clerk at registration was kinda gruff, but once she knew it was for graduation, she was kind and explained what I needed to do. So that was cool.

I received a warm fuzzy today. A girl who has become a pen pal from the Night World emailed me today. Or yesterday. She did a spell of good luck for the tests I will have. Isn't that sweet? I'll have to send her a thank you card.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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