Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Twist To "Beauty and the Beast"
09-12-2002 E 7:11 p.m.
Tonight will be an early night, I think. Once again I was awake at three a.m. Mom and I were still up at one, though, listening to brief profiles of several of the victims by their loved ones. By two I was in bed. By three I'd had a siezure. Yay, me. By then I was exhausted. Mom's bowling league has started again, so it was an early morning as I accompanied her.

For lack of anything else to say I'll talk about the book I'm currently reading. *anticipates groans and sees mouses moving cursors to the exes on browsers* *promises virtual brownies if you stick around!*

It's a science fiction "Beauty and the Beast" tale. I love fairy tales and have been enchanted by them all my life. When Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was released it captured my imagination. When we (Mom, Mike and I) lived out at the farm with Grandpa and Grandma the year I was in kindergarten, I used to dress in Mom's silky long nightgowns--they made feel like I was a princess. I'd have a grown-up put me on the sofa in the living room and I'd pretend to be Snow White waiting for love's First Kiss.

Then I was read the tale of a penniless beauty and a beast who had fallen in love and proposed to her nightly until she learned to see past the unsightly facade. It quickly became my favorite fairy tale. It wasn't until I was older that I realized the underlying reason why. She finally saw the inside, his soul. It was beautiful and that's all that mattered. I guess I've always thought of that story as my personal one. I may not be ugly to look at, but I have a...deterrent for some people, my wheelchair. Not many men are willing to look past that. So I sort of consider myself "the beast" and whoever will be special enough to not care about disabilities "the beauty." Or in this case, "the handsome young man."

But going to my book... The science fiction twist to the tale is a mad scientist playing God. His dream is to create a new breed of man, one immune to many diseases, with "superhuman strength and incomparable intelligence." He experimented with animals then on his secretary. Slipping her a serum in her tea I believe he knew she was pregnant. Her son then is the "prototype" for this new race. His genetic make up has several orders of beasts. The beauty is an escapee from the guy's lab who has telepathic capabilities with an orangutan and Dunndrogo, the "beast." Their situation pulls at your heartstrings.
Having nothing, nothing can he lose.
~William Shakespeare~

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moon phase


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