Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Academic World Is Amazing
09-13-2002 E 10:31 p.m.
Friday the 13th, usually one of my favorite days, and luckiest. *winks* If you discount zee morning I had this time. Mom managed to bang my leg into my chair twice as she lifted me into it, and the cats got the upperhand, escaping inside when I tried going out to be with them. It took me over half an hour to round them up and herd them outside. The lil one followed me well enough, but as I held the door open for her she became reticient. So as she stood on the threshold I used the door to scoot her out. Egypt, after finally obeying my commands to come downstairs, hopped onto my lap. Holding him tight I carried him out, but as I was closing the door he squeezed through the closing gap, trotting over to the sofa and plopping down to lounge on the floor and look at me regally. And typical of all cats he has selective hearing. Realizing my time was limited--I had an hour before Dad got home for lunch--I knew there one thing to do. Bribe him. Coming back into the house I squeezed by him and resolutely made my way to the kitchen. Getting into the fridge I fished a couple of coldcuts from the deli drawer. As soon as the fridge was open he knew what I was about. Meowing, Ege clamored up onto me again and it was a race to see who could get the coldcuts out. Finally freeing a couple from the package I palmed them, shut the fridge and with a hungry feline trying to eat the little peeking out from my hand, I drove to the door, opened it and tossed the coldcuts near his food. Egypt happily lunged out after them. The door was shut. Problem solved.

Meanwhile, my hot chocolate sat cooling on the table untouched.

Phone rang. I scrambled to get it. Somebody had left a glass with a tiny bit of water in it next to the computer. As I picked up the handset the cord knocked the stupid glass over. There enough water to soak several blank pieces of paper. Muttering under my breath I hurried back to the kitchen for a dishtowel.

My hot chocolate sat cooling on the table, still untouched.

After those escapades the rest of the day has been a breeze. And I managed to relax and enjoy my hot chocolate while it was a lil bit warm.

The scholarly (scholastic?) world intrigues me sometimes. People in that profession profess to know many things about things long in the past. Yet they get into debates and arguments over whether or not King David was a real person for example more often than not. It just amazes me that they think they are so knowledgable and right when they can't even agree on certain events sometimes! True, the past can't be replayed to find out exactly what happened, and if the events happened in the ancient world it's even harder because time obscures them. But it (time) leaves us subtle clues.

Today AOL has an article on two Utah investigators hired by a British film company who think they finally know who murdered King Tut. Last month the History Channel--yes, it's my invaluable source again--aired a program about Nefertiti, King Tut's stepmother. In it the narrator speculated after her husband died she was afraid she'd be made to marry a servant. Therefore, he speculated, she wrote to a Hitite king to propose an alliance between her and his son. However, in today's article other scholars are saying Tut's wife, Ankhesenamen, was the queen who wrote to the Hitite king, pleading for help. Who's right and who's wrong I don't know. Only God and the principal players themselves know. But it's so interesting to me that scholars are absolutely convinced they know the truth, yet there are any number of other scholars on the opposite side of the coin who are ready and can sometimes offer an equally viable alternate theory to disprove the first notion!
Old men are children for a second time.

P.S. If you want to know who they believe murdered King Tutankamen, the Discovery Channel will be airing the program sometime on Oct. 6th.

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