Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Babbling Update
11-17-2003 E 3:39 p.m.
Yes, another entry all in the same day... That's four in two days. I seem to be making up for my lack of updates recently. I just wanted to keep topics separate, so I left that one off with just the letter.

But now, now I get ta talk about what's been a-going on.

  • I finally figured out my line height problem, as those who read my entries when I first switched the layout may notice. It was such a silly, simple error! As it dawned on me and I looked at the code to see if I was right, I could not believe that I had let a < br > stump me for so long! All I had to do was remove the < br > and voila! my problem was fixed! Yay!

  • I indulged myself last night after fixing my above problem. I bought myself (through Amazon.com--and yes I did check the seller's feedback before buying--) a cute made-for-tv Christmas movie, Mr. St. Nick. It was on ABC one Sunday last year and I fell in love with it instantly. Starring Kelsy Grammer, it's a story about Santa Claus passing the torch to his son. The typical story of an old-fashioned father and the hip, innovative son who cannot understand each other until the holiday spirit brings them to accept each other for who the other is. I was thrilled and surprised when I saw it was available to own on DVD. And the seller has 100% positive feedback, so I'm sure to get it. I'm quite surprised but pleased. On a whim I checked Google to see what they had on that show, and four to 14 business days I'll have it my hands!

  • It looks like we're going to have an odd holiday season. Mom doesn't think we'll be home for Thanksgiving. *sigh* She says it may just be a turkey sandwich on the road to Utah. I'm hoping and will be praying we will be here that Thursday. That we'll leave for Utah and Jon's concert (orchestra) on that Friday. I don't care if we have a small Thanksgiving, just that we have it in a home environment...maybe in a hotel even, but not on the road!

    Then there is Christmas. It's going to be a tight, small = Christmas. But you know what? I don't care. We'll have Mike and Jen for a brief few days, and if I can capture the right spirit then it can become a merry Christmas after all.

  • Lastly, and I hope she doesn't mind me saying this...Heather's life is changing faster than she can take in at the moment. She has a boyfriend among the changes, and so it's an adjustment for those around. For a while it was just her and me. She needed me and thus I was told to remain here by Heavenly Father, when what I wanted most was to move to Utah. I stayed, obviously, but now she is realizing she is a grown woman who's ready to be independent. She's talking about moving out on her own and she has Nobody (her bf) now, besides moi. So now I have to get used to the knowledge she has someone other than me to hang with, confide in and that she's moving and progressing in her life. Oh, our friendship is still strong as it has been since we just had each other, and I'm hoping it'll remain so. I'd hate for us to drift like her and *J*, but it's just hard getting used to the fact I have to share her with a boy. *winks*
    The day a person becomes a cynic is the day he loses his youth.
    ~Marvin D. Levy~

    ..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

    Recently Recorded...
    06-17-2006 E Good Bye
    06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
    06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
    06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
    06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

    moon phase


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