Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Toast: To Men Who Know How To Treat Us Like Ladies
01-01-2002 E 6:03 p.m.
2002. A fresh start in my opinion, and I aim to do it right. No more crappy, semi-good years for me if I can help it. Frustration can go hang itself; 2002 is going to be a good year. And I started it in a good way. With someone who's going to be a friend for a long time, I'm sure.

Heather and I started our celebration at 4:30 by going bowling here in town. Our first games were good: 118 (me) and 129 (Heather). But we agreed we shoulda quit while we were ahead. *chuckles* My second game was a 76 or 79 and Heather's was a 115. =os Oh well. It was all in fun.

On our way home we stopped in Albertsons for snacks, pop, sparkling cider (for midnight) and DiGourno's(sp?). Once home we played cards while waiting for the pizza to bake. Mmmhmmm-mmm! DiGourno's ain't half bad. Then came Ever After, starting a longing in each of us for our own Prince Henri, who would say things like: "On the contrary madam, it is your lips that captivate me." *smiles* Oy, did we get on a kick about men who know how to treat women like ladies and stripling warriors after that. LOL

We played Phase 10 till midnight, and while Aubree and her friend Jessi woke up the neighborhood with their shouting and noisemakers we toasted in the new year.

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of boys!" Heather toasted.

Boys? Um no. After Stephen, I'm looking for a man. LOL "No, no. To men who know how to treat us like ladies." I raised my green goblet and toasted the men who're most likely dreams. But, oh so fun dreams!

Those men morphed into the 2000 Stripling Warriors as we read Alma, chapter 53 in the Book of Mormon. After that we joked about which one we wanted. I've always called Stripling Warrior 1,998. Heather decided she wants Stripling Warrior 444. *grins* Can you tell I had a good New Years? It was innocent fun and it spurred a silly idea inside my head. Afterwards we started The Princess Diaries.

I quit making New Year's Resolutions years ago when it became apparent to me that I was lousy at making even the simplest of resolutions and keeping them. I've found recently that I'm better at setting minor goals that lead to further goals which head me in the direction I really want to end up at and setting a short due date. This has been the most successful method for me yet. But in Mom's eyes I still need to make resolutions.

"If you don't succeed one year, then make a resolution to succeed the next year," I was told.

Whatever. I just do what I know works best for me. Anyways I may not have the resolutions Mom wants me to make, but I do have a motto this year besides making it a great year, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as well as Stripling Warrior 1,998! *grins* Well...it's more of a joke between Heather and I, but it's still a good motto. *winks* (That was my silly idea.)

Tomorrow is the beginning of getting back to the ole routine. I have physical therapy tomorrow. Which is a good thing actually. Cause I can have the problem of positioning fixed and my hip and whole leg won't go numb.

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