Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Another Brush With Mortality
03-27-2004 E 11:53 a.m.
M for Mortality. March, the Month of Mortality. *half smile* Seems fitting somehow. March, I think, is the month designated for the cause of Breast Cancer, in the fight to find a cure.

How fitting as well that both Heather and I have had brushes with mortality this month. Fitting, yet sad. This month Mom's league "Bowled for the Cure" and we all wore pink--or most of us did. All that day I kept thinking of my young friend with breast cancer and of Heather's grandma.

This month she (Heather's grandma) had surgery and found out she'd been misdiagnosed. The doctor thought they'd caught the cancer early, but during the surgery to remove the cancerous cells, he realized she'd had it longer. And it's a rare type of cancer, one he's never worked with before. Chemo won't even help.

This month Jen, Heather's pup, recently started having seizures. I haven't talked with Heather since I found out to see what the vet has said is the definite cause of her seizures, but I hope to soon. I left a note saying Sandy's pom, Sugar, had had seizures and she'd lived a long life. I think she was 15 or 16 when she died. She was on meds and still had seizures from time to time, but she still was active and hyper. And a wonderful dog. I miss her.

And this month *tries to hold the emotion in and swipes at her tears* my own grandma entered the hospitaal (yesterday). They've found blood clots in her lungs, a puliminary embolism(sp?). They've put her on blood thinners in hopes that the clots will absorb back into her body, but if they don't... *shrugs helplessly* She's in ICU and will be in the hospital for two or three days. =os Tomorrow's her birthday. What a way to spend your birthday, huh? My only comfort is I know my grandpa's spirit is with her.

Is March over yet?

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moon phase


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