Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Am I Lucky??
08-24-2003 E 4:32 p.m.
Yesterday Mom bought me a magnet--she started a magnet collection for me a few years ago--with the saying: "If a woman hasn't met the right man by the time she's 24, she may be lucky."

As I'm 28, ya think she may be trying to send me a message? Or perhaps she's just subconsciously picked up on the wavelengths percolating in my brain the past six months? True, I haven't dated much or made myself known on the social scene enough to find a potential mate, but at the same time my family hasn't been exactly positive at the thought that yes, I'll get married sooner or later along with my other single siblings. So, perhaps Mom, in her own way, was trying to cheer me up...

On the other hand, for the past six months I've basically come to the conclusion--and I know I've said it before--that I won't find "my man" any time in the near or distant future. And, thankfully, I've made peace with that...sorta. I've seen or heard about marriages that failed--many kids from my graduating class in high school have married and are divorced and are on their second marriage already. Knowing that and knowing relationships are hard work, I guess I've finally realized there are worse things being single. What would you rather be: single and happy or married, yet unhappy?

Whatever it was that was in Mom's thoughts that caused her to buy the magnet for me I will never know. But I've taken it with mixed emotions; in this day and age what it says is true. But is she saying because I'm past 24, I'm lucky I haven't found Mr. Right?

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