Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Fear My Subconscious Isn't Normal
09-10-2003 E 3:32 p.m.
Ok, we'll try this again. But if it fails, I'm sorry, but you won't be reading about my latest and queerest dreams. I'll just type 'em elsewhere so I'll have 'em, but I'm fast losing the desire to try and post them here.

I still haven't figured out why my browser's giving me troubles; I may indeed just try and download IE 6.0 to see if it's just the 5.5 version--unless someone can tell me 6.0 has bugs in it that I'm not aware of??

*gets on with it* For the past year or so I've really dreamt some strange scenarios, some of 'em kinky even--which I won't get into. Sorry. And the ones I had the night/early morning before last have gotten me questioning if my subconscious is even normal. For they rank high up there on the Queer-o-meter, and I don't mean queer in the sense people use it today.

To be honest I'm getting quite concerned. Dreams are your subconscious' way of working things out when you can't do it consciously, and dreams're also its way of telling you something. As I said, my dreams have been quite weird for some time now, and I think it's time (high time) I try to find out what my subconscious is saying. I may do more searching than I did last night and see if I can find a dream analysis program on here that I like and start using it to see if I can get any enlightenment, since I don't have Andi and Sandy to help me interpret.

Anyways, the dreams. I think I had three, but I remember only two. The first was about aliens (again) and a vacation with an aunt. I keep wanting to say it was my Aunt Colleen, but the dream was very vague as to her features and personality. The only part she had really, was to invite me on her vacation and that she was our hosts' friend. That's where the dream started.

My aunt decided to invite me to go with her on vacation to some friends' resort on a pennisula(sp?). The resort was nestled back against a tall mountain. Our hosts were a handsome couple and their two sons. The father and sons had dark Latin or Italian good looks. The mother was American and blonde. Even so, I knew without being told the men were aliens or half aliens (as the wife was just a plain Earthling) in human form. But that didn't bother me. The vacation spot was very sunny and temperate, despite snow on top of the mountain. It seemed enjoyable. The sons were polite and attentive, though I preferred the elder son. (He was just better looking and had the better personality.)

Also without being told, I knew what these aliens looked like in their natural form. About three feet tall and light green, they had horizontally oblong heads with just two eyes, what we would call a button nose and a wide, thin-lipped mouth with teeth that would need an orthodontist's miracle. Their bodies were short and round with twig thin, long arms and legs, and their feet were like Mickey Mouse's. The wife and mother knew this--as did my aunt, but like me they didn't care.

The scenario abruptly changed from the enjoyable vacation and me mooning after the eldest son to one where I'd left with some college friends because I feared the mountain was about to blow. We were in two cars it seemed, and the one in which a few friends and I were was suddenly out of gas. Fortunately, were hungry and stopped outside a burger/gas joint. We ate and gased up and, as we stepped outside into the bright starry night we happened to look up and was stopped dead in our tracks by this UFO flying low in the sky. Some of us were already by the car, I keep thinking it was a pink caddilac, when we happened to look up. I was one who was either by the car or halfway there. I could almost feel the crick in my neck, watching the UFO bank in close to me. It was then I saw it was the oldest son in his human form. He'd come because he wanted to be with me and share a future. He also agreed that the mountain might erupt. Therefore he wanted to go back and get his family.

I found myself in the passenger seat of another car (a sleek tan one) as we drove back to the mansion. Once parked in front I told him to be careful before he hurried back inside. The mountain was now a black mass behind the white stone of the place, and I could see bright, hot orange lava oozing up through wide crevices disecting its middle. Another reason why we wanted to get his family out was because any intense heat caused these type of aliens to go mad. And a third reason was, for some reason we knew the father's old partner on the home planet was coming for him. This alien was a mad genius who wanted his old partner to rejoin him in their old mad plots. And in this madness this type of alien was dangerous; just one touch and alien and human alike would go mad as well.

I kept watch on the house and the rumbling lava, wishing my guy would hurry up. It was then I noticed another UFO coming for a landing and I knew it was the partner. Suddenly the wife was there in a white flowing dress, Greek style. She thought he was her husband and so gave him a silver key. I couldn't believe her stupidity at the mistaken identity of the lil alien before her. I mentally chastised her for it. Then they were gone and a strange looking businessman in a gray suit and maroon tie with a briefcase came striding out across the moonlit lawn. He was turning lavender and had a wild look about him. I knew he'd been touched. I watched him come towards my car and belatedly I realized I should have locked the doors behind my love. The man was coming, intending to get in my car and have me drive him to wherever he wanted to go. I reached for the locks, but was too late. He started opening the door and I held onto the leather armhold with just the tips of my fingers.

I scared myself awake at this point. But the next dream I remember came soon after. It involved casts from both Seventh Heaven and Who's the Boss?, and in this one I was a child of one of the families. It also involved a very unsanitary pool place. Hills of dirt surrounded it and black worms and other slimy things crawled over them.

I know odd dreams are normal every once in a while. But every--single-time? Nuh-uh, you can't tell that's normal. No, tomorrow I'll start trying to get in touch with my subconscious with an analysis program.
You can�t depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus.
~Mark Twain~

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moon phase


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