Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Math and My Tv Show Addiction
11-10-2001 E 6:50 p.m.
I was not quite sure if I liked my new template, but the more I look at it it grows on me. I think I have found the style I like zee best. However, the graphic and quote may change from time to time. I have a cool vampire knight pic I might use sometime.
Today was boring in events...unless you consider math excitement central. I started Cap�tulo 12 in the Spanish workbook, but my mind was mainly on putting a large dent in my extra credit for math. So...I calculated the number of probs I had to do--24. So I aimed at getting 12 done. I think I got 8 done. =os They took so blasted long to figure out, but once I did, they were easy. However, I messed up one problem, which in turn, affected subsequent problems based on that one. So tomorrow, guess what I get to do? Either fix them or rewrite them! Ugh! And all because I misread a number. Oops.

My goal is to get Chap. 4 done by Tuesday. Then each week and over Thanksgiving break do another chapter. So hopefully I can pull a C out of this.
I have become a WB person. I watch Smallville on Tuesdays, Charmed on Thursdays, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch on Fridays and Angel whenever I can on Mondays. LOL Though...Smallville is on the weird side. It's about how meteors from Krypton affect people of Smallville 12 years after Clark landed in the cornfield. It also explains how he'll turn into Superman and how he and Lex become enemies, though they haven't reached that point. Though I think I know how they will because Lex is now investigating how Clark saved his life. (Clark's arrival had something to do with Lex losing his hair 12 years before. He is sure to blame Clark.) It's pretty good. And the kid who plays Clark, he is sssooo good looking. Ooohhh baby. LOL

I also watch Reba Fridays when I can. Last night the show before it was good. Kinda hokey, but it showed potential this time. Maybe because it was a lil bit like You've Got Mail. The main character found this CD mix of songs, which struck a chord inside her. And she decided whoever it was was her "soulmate." Yeah, yeah, you know me and the word "soulmate." I believe in them. But we'll talk about that later.

She found Mixboy online, and it was her friend who set up a meeting saying Molly would have a red rose. The boy never showed up to Molly's knowledge. But the fun was where the viewer found out who it was. Anyways, if they pursue this thread it's gonna be kinda worth sitting through the hokiness of it.

*blush* Now that I've totally bored you with my addiction, I'll say goodbye for now.

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moon phase


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