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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
26 Ways To Say "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"
12-08-2005 E 11:20 a.m.
Feeling-- annoyed
Reading-- After Midnight by Teresa Medeiros
Listening to-- nothing

I'm afraid this first part is going to be a rant. This sort of goes back to what I briefly touched on on Thanksgiving Day. I'll admit right up front, part of what makes this a great country is the diversity and the freedoms we have here in the U.S. And the reason we have this country is because our forefathers wanted the inalienable rights all people should have and not be denied--which is one reason why I think we're over in Iraq.

But that is not the point or reason why I'm irked at the moment. I'm irked because it has been decided this year that instead of being allowed or encouraged to say, "Merry Christmas!" in stores and whatnot, we're supposed to say, "Happy Holidays!" or "Seasons Greetings!" We're supposed to use these alternatives as an effort in not ofending those with different beliefs.

Yes, I know this is a minor thing, no biggie, really. But to me, it feels like we're being made to pussyfoot or to go around voicing the reason a majority of us are celebrating. Christmas! It's Christmas, people! Sure, there's Yuletide, Chanukah and Kwanzaa in the mix, all somewhere in the same season... *pauses and thinks*

I haven't heard "Happy Chanukah" or "Happy Kwanzaa" or "Have a Merry Yule" either. But what's--and I know I'm making a foothill out of a mole's--what's wrong with just using the greeting of your choice? Someone could say, "Merry Christmas!" and another could smile merrily and say, "Happy Hanukkah!" in response. What's wrong with voicing and being public about such greetings that reveal different beliefs? Nothing. I can't see how this would be offensive. *shrugs*

*laughs mischieviously* My rant is over, but my defiance still lingers; I found a fun and perfect addition to my countdown and a way to revel in my defiance--
    26 Ways To Say "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"
  1. Afrikaans~~ "Geseende Kerfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar!"
  2. Bohemian/Czech~~ "Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a Stastny novy rok!"
  3. Cheyenne~~ "Hoesenestotse & Aa'e Emona'e!"
  4. Dutch~~ "Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!"
  5. Estonian~~ "R��msaid J�ulup�hi ja Head uut aastat!"
  6. French~~ "Joyeux No�l et Bonne Ann�e!"
  7. Greek~~ "Kala Christougenna Ki'eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos!"
  8. Hungarian~~ "Kellemes kar�csonyi �nnepeket �s Boldog �j�vet!"
  9. Irish~~ "Nollaig Shona Dhuit!"
  10. Javanese~~ "Sugeng Natal lan warsa enggal!"
  11. Kurdish~~ "Seva piroz sahibe u sersala te piroz be!"
  12. Latin~~ "Pax hominibus bonae voluntatis!"
  13. Maori~~ "Kia orana e kia manuia rava i teia Kiritimeti e te Mataiti Ou!"
  14. Norweigan/Nynorsk~~ "Eg ynskjer hermed Dykk alle ein God Jul og Godt Nytt�r!"
  15. Ojibwe (Chippewa)~~ "Niibaa' anami'egiizhigad & Aabita Biboon!"
  16. Polish~~ "Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku!"
  17. Quechua~~ "Sumaj kausay kachun Navidad ch'sisipi & Mosoi Watapi sumaj kausay kachun!"
  18. Russian~~ "Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom!"
  19. Sicilian~~ "Bon Natali e Prosperu Annu Novu!"
  20. Tonga~~ "Kristo abe anduwe muciindo ca Christmas!"
  21. Ukrainian~~ "Veseloho Vam Rizdva i Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku!"
  22. Vespi~~ "Rastvoidenke i Udenke Vodenke!"
  23. Welsh~~ "Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!"
  24. Xhosa~~ "Siniqwenelela Ikrisimesi EmnandI Nonyaka Omtsha Ozele Iintsikelelo Namathamsanqa!"
  25. Yoruba~~ "E ku odun, e hu iye' dun!"
  26. Zaza~~ "Newroz'a tu Piroz be!"

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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