Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A 100 Thangs About Me
03-14-2003 E 8:40 p.m.
I've decided to jump on the bandwagon too and do that "100 Things About Me" thang. Though it will be a miracle if I can find 100 things about myself. Wish me luck.
1) This is my second attempt tonight. My mouse and sometimes the Internet sucks.

2) I'm proud, very proud of my Celtic heritage.

3) I have a healthy fear of scorpions and find them ugly.

4) The big 3-0 is not quite here yet, but it's getting too close for my comfort.

5) I collect quotes, Indian figurines, angels, fairies, nutcrackers, snowmen, books, snowglobes and movies.

6) I learned on my own or taught myself all the html I know since first working with websites three, four years ago.

7) My middle name is Afton, which is Dutch for "Eventide."

8) I figure I bombed my critical paper.

9) Q: What is in my CD player right now?
A: /Enrique/Escape/.

10) I'm an avid fan of the Charmed and Witchblade tv series.


12) Hey I made it to 12! Whoopah!

13) I'm on Spring Break! Yes!!

14) I love Egee, my familiar, with all my heart!

15) My Chinese zodiac is the rabbit.

16) Egee is going to get neutered within the year.

17) I met my First Love around 13 and it took me seven years to get over him.

18) Sleeping Beauty aka Aurora and her prince, Phillip, adorn my wall as March's poster couple for this year's calendar choice.

19) Last month it was Ariel and Eric.

20) (Ooo we're moving right along!) At Chili's I always order the Chicken Enchilada soup as an entree then whatever else is my main meal.

21) I love ghost stories, but the older I get, the more they can freak me out.

22) I was halfway done when I lost the first entry.

23) Emeralds and Espionage by Lynn Gardner and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte are two of the best books I've ever read.

24) Animal Farm by George Orwell and The Lord of the Flies are the worst books I've ever read.

25) I'm addicted to Pepsi.

26) I forgot what I was going to say. Don't you hate that?

27) Oh! *holds finger up in the air as a light bulb goes on above her head* I have yet to see The Two Towers.

28) I just saw Two Weeks Notice with Mom, Kami and Aubree last night.

29) I'm getting tired.

30) The past two days before have felt like Friday, but of course, they weren't.

31) I love Chinese food.

32) I might do a "Worst and Best Commercials According to Shiloh" entry tomorrow.

33) I was born in Harris County, Houston, Texas, 1975. My maternal grandmother's maiden name is Harris, and Jon's middle name is Harrison. So is Lynda's last name.

34) My highest bowling score to date is 118.

35) Some day soon I'm gonna do a Free Willy marathon.

36) I'm a member of the Lambda Delta Sigma Sorority.

37) I'm excited for the 5th "Harry Potter" to come out.

38) Unicorns are my favorite among mythical creatures; mer people are my second favorite.

39) Are we done yet? No? Oh.

40) 61 things more to say or come up with.

41) If I ever fall in love my life would reflect two fairy tales a lil...Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty.

42) It's amazing I'm remembering what I had in the first attempt of this entry.

43) I'm changing into pajamas soon.

44) I would like to dye my hair again.

45) Oh, Heather, would you like to watch Conference with me next month?

46) I've almost caught up with myself, whoopee!

47) My favorite color is what I call Royal Purple--the shade royalty in the olden days used to wear, or if you prefer, Pansy Purple.

48) I'm a Disney maniac.

49) I love spoofs.


51) I'm listening to tv right now.

52) I crosstitch for fun. I also want to make my own quilt someday. Preferably a log cabin patterned one, vibrantly colored.

53) I was into Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Rose Petal, He-Man & She-ra and Transformers as a kid.

54) Love-A lot Bear was my favorite.

55) I still watch Steve Urkel on reruns of Family Matters when I can.

56) I WILL graduate in May!

57) My room looks well lived-in.

58) It is now 10:32 p.m.

59) I wear a Mickey Mouse two-tone watch. *nods firmly*

60) Can feel silliness kick in--I may act punch drunk in a bit, fair warning.

61) Had a dream last night some Latino guy was trying to kill me with a gun with a silencer. The dispatcher for 911 was no help at all.

62) I dream in black and white, cartoon and "real life"; I'm in my chair, I'm out of my chair. And I've been a man--twice now.

63) 38 items more to go.

64) We talked about suicide today in Grieving. It is a grim, deadly business.

65) I really want to see Daredevil.

66) This is as hard as I thought it would be.

67) Mint Chocolate Chip is my favorite ice cream.

68) I just found out last night that there is banana flavored milk.

69) I wonder if I will have another perverted dream tonight?

70) I need to lose five to ten pounds.

71) I have too many favorite songs to name one.

72) I would love to travel some day.

73) I'm still wearing jeans and a blue stylish short-sleeved shirt.

74) I almost put 47. Oops.

75) I love the boardgame, "Clue"--and the movie.

76) Tim Curry is my favorite villain.

77) Summer is my favorite season.

78) I love dolphins and tigers.

79) My desk is so cluttered at the moment.

80) People who are perfectly able and park in handicapped spaces are a big pet peeve of mine.

81) I'm a hopeful romantic. I don't believe in hopeless romantics, because as I told Heather, there are none, unless they are too scared or pathetic to work at or pursue a relationship with the one they love.

82) I wish I were at 99 already.

83) The Election and Monty Python and the Holy Grail are the worst movies I've seen.

84) I can goof off a few days more before I need to start on homework.

85) I want a nice dream tonight.

86) Predjudice is my biggest pet peeve.

87) I have seven or eight more papers to write this semester. :'(

88) But so far I'm passing... *knocks on wood*

89) I'm an advocate of no war, though I do believe Saddam needs to be stopped.

90) YES! ONLY 10 MORE!

91) (i>(Aren't you sick of me yet?) I am a fan of Air Supply.

92) I love to hear bagpipes playin'.

93) It is now 11:10 p.m.

94) If you aren't nice to me and my friends, I'll sic my goblins on you.

95) Yup, the nonsense has made itself known.

96) (We're really almost there, folks.) Pink, yellow, coral and Fire and Ice roses are my favorite flowers.

97) You're amazing if you've stuck with me thus far. Give yourself a pat on the back.

98) I have never been outside the U.S. except for Mexico.

99) I've been to Sea World, but not to Disneyland. Sad, huh?

100) WOOHOO! WE MADE IT! Aren't you relieved? I know I am.

Hmmm, it's a miracle. If I performed two more then died I would be a candidate for sainthood. Hmm...Saint Shiloh. Can't you just see that?
We still do not know one-thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.
~Albert Einstein

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moon phase


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