Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I'm Alert--For a Zombie
05-29-2002 E 6:22 p.m.
Hay-lo. I really need to figure out some activity that engages my mind or else this summer will be spent on snooze control instead of being productive in writing. Oh, I have been quite alert--for a zombie. I just get into this...mode, where if I'm passive for even a short time--*puts a small space between forefinger and thumb* just a lil bit--I'm practically useless as a thinker for the rest of the day. Unless of course, I have an epiphany. Which seems to be scarce nowadays.

But I rattle on. Which is sad because that one paragraph just described my mental state these past several days. Ya, I so need to find an activity.

I guess it doesn't help to be woken out of a sound sleep by the noisy slide of your cat's paws against the glass in the french doors next to your bedroom at 6:30 in the morning. Um no, it does not. And when nobody able is downstairs to open said door, does it also help that he then meows quite insistently and later disgustedly to be let in? I don't think so.

So, stuck in bed I turned on my lamp and finished Princess in Love, the last installment of The Princess Diaries series. I also opened the window a bit and talked to him through the window to let him know he was not alone.

Finally at 7:35 a.m., he was let inside and he came running and jumped on my bed. As he is shedding, Mom wants him off it. So she asked Aubree to put him in his "room."

Aubree never does much of anything with finese. She is so flambouyant and dramatic in her actions. (Heather is probably nodding her head at this.) Anyways instead of gently picking the poor boy up, she snatched Ege, which made him dig his claws in. And since I was petting him in the meantime I received two puncture wounds at the base of me thumb. For those that don't know yet, that is a tender area as it is your Venus Mound. Very fleshy. It has stung most of the day.

After thangs quieted down I decided I was gonna get more shut eye. After all, I was entitled, I thought. I did not wake up till quarter to ten. Oops. You wouldn't think I'd be tired, but there you go.

I really have nothing planned tomorrow except for dragging Harrison to the movies. I wanted to see Count of Monte Cristo with Heather, but it ends tomorrow. So, c'mon lil bro we's goin' to da movies!

I loved the book even though it was kinda sad. It ranks right up there with Jane Eyre in my estimation. Although I haven't read it in ages--not since high school at least. And I hear it ends a bit differently than the book. Jen let me guess how it ends. LOL It wasn't that hard. I just followed the formula for happily ever after. ;o}

Friday though, I have the day taken up. Heather an' I are goin' to be partying the whole day long. Hey school's out, a cause to celebrate in itself. So don't expect an update then.

Nan and Paw Paw are going to Nauvoo Saturday for the temple's open house. Cool or what? We finally have the Nauvoo Temple back! A piece of our history.

Oh! Hey, remember that nice leatherbound book (journal) Ruthann gave me at Christmas time? I finally figured out a use for it. Foursheep actually inspired me. We were talking of spells, how they're like poems or prayers (long story). Well, I'm going to fill it with poetry. Course, it could take me years to fill it. I've only four poems. But hey, a few more poems might strike me, right?
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

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moon phase


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