Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Christmas Something
12-28-2004 E 3:47 p.m.
Only four days left of 2004. Quite the year it's been too. It's definitely one I won't be forgetting anytime soon. So much has happened, especially in the last half, it prompts me to wonder what 2005 holds in store. In fact, and I'm quite surprised by this, I'm looking forward to the new year. I'm a bit eager to see what is just around the corner in January and February. The fact that I'll turn the big 3-0 later in July is a bit daunting and less exciting, but...we can't always have the Eternal 20s. *winks* I suppose, like the rest who have passed 30, I'll have to accept this new number and age gracefully.

I really don't know what I should do for this fourth day of Christmas. I have a couple of songs lined up, but I don't wanna overdo the song bit. I wanna disperse them out so they're not back-to-back. There's also the Nutcracker story I've found--one of my favorites at Christmastime--but I'm not sure I'm in the mood for it right now, so that'll be added onto my list. The people who do the Music Mambo and Wednesday Mind Hump did a hump last week for Christmas that's kinda looking fun, so let's do that. (I really am missing P-O-Y.)

Think of an object--something Christmasy (be fair, don't make it too unique). Now, give clues in a description of that object.

My Christmas something is something I collect. It can be tall, medium or short. Almost always is it standing stately at attention. Though wooden, it has the strength to take a nut from its shell when you place it between my something's white teeth and push on the lever. With soft flowing hair and beard, it is often handpainted or dressed in rich fabrics. It can be anything: a noble king with his sword in hand, leading his troops to victory. A leprechaun, a Wise Man bearing the gift of Myrr for the Christ child, the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, or even the great Bard himself, Shakespeare. A ballet about it is performed every Christmas season. It is something I love very much.

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