Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Christmas
12-26-2001 E 7:50 p.m.
Gggrrrr!!!!! My mouse went wacko and shut my browser down! I lost my entire ENTRY! I was a good way through it too! *sigh* Heck I can't retype it over again! I don't have the energy. So I guess I'll paraphrase what I remember.

A lil girl who shall remain nameless got us all up at 6 freaking 30. I coulda killed her. But I remember still what it was like lying in bed as a kid, feeling as if time deliberately crawled by to make us wait. So I couldn't complain legitimately.

Christmas was quiet and peaceful; Aubree went skiing with a friend and slept over. Did I already say it was quiet? We watched Jurassic III and The Princess Diaries. (It seems like anymore my favorite movies start with "the," The Phantom, The Shadow, The Saint... LOL)

I was so tired I didn't realize until I'd opened a 1/3 of my presents that I hadn't looked at the tags much to see who they were from. So I only know of a few things that were given to me by Santa, Jon and my parents. The candy was easy: Santa. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by Jon. Some clothes and the nutcrackers(?) by Mom and Dad.

Yes, yes. I'm finally reading Harry Potter. After seeing the movie I was asking Harry questions about differences between the book and movie. He really got into it; he loves Harry Potter. Since I'd decided to be the one to give him the puzzle Mom had me order from Bits&Pieces, it was decided he would buy me my present. So, seeing my interest he exclaimed in excitement: "I know what I'll get you for Christmas! Harry Potter, the first book. How's that?"

He was so cute in his excitement. I smiled. "That'll be great," I said.

I'm on the fourth chapter. She's a good writer yes, but I can't say I can't put it down. Perhaps it's my current mood or just that I haven't hit the good parts yet, but I'm not at a point where it's a page turner. Sorry. I mean, it's a good book and all, but all I've wanted to do is slap the Dursleys.

Jason called me today. Surprised me since he's kinda acted lukewarm about our friendship since he came back from his mission. But then he's been busy with work an' school. Aaannd he's not the greatest of letter writers. So maybe if we were both in the same vicinity he'd be more friendly. I mean act more...like he used to when we hung out all the time. Perhaps I'm just tired.

Egypt has been so cute. We let him in when we unwrapped--or should I say in Aubey's case, ripped open?--our presents. He tackled at bit the wrappings, and Michael tried to decorate him with Christmas bows.

What really surprised us was Jen and Kami wrestling. Off and on during the afternoon they'd go at it, trying to smurf each other or pinch the butt or honk eath other's nose. It was hilarious. It was almost worse than when Mike and Jon and sometimes Dad go at it! Though I have to admit, the boys broke Mom's butler table once. Then again, Kami kicked over the heater...she could've started the house on fire--again.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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