Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Where Did We Get the Word "Races?"
02-28-2006 E 5:32 p.m.
Feeling-- drained
Reading-- The Princess Diaries, Volume V: Princess In Pink by Meg Cabot
Listening to-- nothing

In today's strip of For Better Or For Worse, Elizabeth, who's been a teacher up north in an Ojibway village for awhile now, voiced an opinion similar to my own thoughts or feelings on humanity. More specifically, the differences of ethnicity of Earth's people.

I too have wondered why we say "races." I never got that definition of the term. Or for that matter, the "human race." A race is a contest to see who gets to the finishing line first or who can consume or gather the most of something before the other person. Or who can outlast the competitor. Though, I have to disagree with her that we're all going at the same speed. We aren't. There are some who go a 100 or even 200 miles per hour, and if they're not careful, will burn themselves out and into an early grave. Then there are those who go at a more sedate, moderate pace, taking the time to observe and enjoy and learn from the people and things around them. Lastly, there are the sloths, the bums, the lacadaisical who seem quite content to let life pass them by.

As for the destination? Sure, we all eventually end up on the other side, thanks to the temporary condition we're all in...mortality. But in the meantime, there are many different destinations to end up at: jail, prison, the White House, in a judge's seat, paradise: Hawaiian-style... It's our choices that get us to whatever destination we end up at.

But she is right on in her last comment. "The only 'winners' are the ones who've made the world a better place for having been here!" Amen to that.

My real thoughts and feelings on humanity? Some of us are black, some of us are white, some of us are red, some of us are yellow and some of us are brown. But that doesn't or shouldn't matter. We are all human, with the same basic form--whether we be female or male--with the same emotions and senses. We all laugh, cry, hurt, feel joy. We all bleed red blood, we need food, shelter, clothes and sleep. We all need companionship. So what if we are of different colors? Why should it matter?

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