Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Catching Up On Thoughts
11-26-2003 E 4:44 p.m.
Howdy, everyone. I finished my second layout--finally! So yay me! It was more troublesome (as you've read) than the first. I had the theme in mind, as with the first--both are actually monochromatic, but the first was so easy to decide on, whereas this last one I decided on a color, did my main image in it as well as the background, tested it out and thought it was too intense. I that did three times before deciding on gold. (This is the only clue I'll give about its look.) Then it took even more days (I lost count) to come up with a style or format that was different from my other layouts I've had here and the one I previously made.

I about gave up on it because it wasn't working out. The left side was too image heavy it was drawing attention away from the entry side. Then the whole layout was exceeding the perameters I wanted, so... Today I switched the bottom part around, redid an image and voila! Everything started to cooperate. The perameters shrunk back to where I wanted them and your main focus is the entry box. I can say I'm pleased. Relatively.

Lynda's wedding announcement came a couple days ago. In case you cannot remember her...she's "my missionary," who once was engaged to Mike, the guy I met Heather through. Her wedding day is Dec. 12th. She's finally met a wonderful guy who'll take good care of her, I'm sure. She deserves to be happy, after what Mike put her and several of us other women through. I wish I could surprise her at her reception though. It would be very nice, and I'm sure t'would make her day all the happier--not to make myself that important, but I know it would make her happy. If only I could drive...
Mom has begun watching Oprah instead of The Golden Girls, and we've noticed that when she gives things away (which is quite often) the whole crowd gets whatever it is. Do you how much she gives away in dollars?! Thousands! It's ridiculous! No wonder women clamor for a spot in her audience. Like I said, I think some people are too rich to know what to do with all their money.
One last thing 'afore I go. Heather made a comment about my baby dreams in my guestbook. She said perhaps my subconscious was just manifesting my exposure to any babies I've had recently. I suppose this could be true...my friend, Shari's sister, brings her toddler twins to bowling every week. But I'm wondering if it's because I think I might not have kids in this life--though I would love to. I don't think it's my biological clock necessarily... Perhaps more of a slight fear it won't happen so my subconscious is trying to fulfill (for lack of a better word) my desire for children in the future. Who knows? It's something to think about in the future though.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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