Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
This Year Trick the Tricksters!
10-19-2003 E 3:16 p.m.
*sing-song* Trick-or-treat! Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat!

I felt like doing a fun Halloween page today since I feel festive. Hope you enjoy.

11 Excellent Ways to Trick the Trick-Or-Treaters!

1) Wait behind the door until some people come. When they get near the door, jump out wearing a costume, and holding a bag, yell, "Trick or Treat!" Look at them, scratch your head and act confused.

2) Fill a briefcase with marbles and crackers. Write on it, "Top Secret" in big letters. When trick-or-treaters come look around suspiciously and say, "It's about time you got here." Give them the briefcase and quickly shut the door.

3) Get about 30 people to wait in your living room. When trick-or-treaters come to the door, say, "Come in." When they do, have everyone yell, "Surprise!!!" Act like it's a surprise party.

4) Get everyone who comes to the door to come in and see if they can figure out what's wrong with your dishwasher. Insist that it makes an unnatural "whirring" sound.

5) After you give them candy hand the trick-or-treaters a bill.

6) Open the door dressed as a giant fish. Immediately collapse and don't move or say anything until the trick-or-treaters go away.

7) Hand out menus to the trick-or-treaters and let them order their candy. Keep asking if anyone wants to see the wine list.

8) Answer the door dressed as a pilgrim. Stare at the trick-or-treaters for a moment, pretend to be confused and start flipping through a calendar.

9) Instead of candy, give away colored eggs. If anyone protests, explain that the eggs are the only thing you had left over from Easter.

10) Answer the door with a mouthful of M & M's and several half-eaten candy bars in your hands. Act surprised and close the door. Open it again in a few seconds and insist that you don't have any candy.

11) Put a crown on a jack-o-lantern and put the pumpkin on a throne on your porch. Insist that all of the trick-or-treaters bow before the jack-o-lantern.

As the author of this page said, "No bones about it--This Halloween will be the best ever!!"

Page found at Moppo.com.

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