Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Starved For Music
10-26-2002 E 10:11 p.m.
Howdy. I think I've been music starved lately, somehow. All afternoon I've craved listening to music, but my Winamp has acted funny today. I had to totally rebuild my playlist of 80s favorites as it went schitzo on me when I clicked the play button. Not good and definitely not pleasing. So, after trying to create my July desktop background, which was also a bomb, I spent the time rebuilding the playlist only to have Winamp be picky. So, after closing it one or two more times, I set about rebuilding the danged thing. Then as I got looking through my mp3s I found I have enough movie and tv themes or songs for a second CD or playlist, so I created that. *is listening to zat now, thumbs up*

Mom and Dad left for Utah again this morning. She wanted to escape again I guess and see the "parents." They're staying with Grandpa and Grandma B. and will see Grandma H. tomorrow. Mom really misses her. It's still hard on her to know that when Mom goes out to the farm, Grandma will never be around there again or at least come home to stay. Kami has also gone to Alpine and is staying with them too. While the parents are away, the kids will play! *sly devilish look*

It's official. I'm cool. At least according to Aubree's friend, Becky. Just a lil while ago Aubree had a passle of her friends here...among them Josh, her crush. She was trying to hide all the earlier photographs of herself in every room that Josh walked through. It was pretty funny.

"Um, there's more photos in the back room, if you haven't been back there," I offered helpfully, pointing the direction.

Aubree stepped in front him, blocking Josh's path, grinning embarrassingly. "No!"

Jessi, a friend of hers moved past me, making her way back there, as if she was going to get zee photo before Aubree had the chance to hide it.

"Jessi, don't show him!" she desperately called. Becky and the others laughed as they gamely raced back here. That was when Becky pronounced moi as cool. Oh yeah, you are utterly cool if a teen says so. After all, they are in the know about what's hip and "in," right? Uh, ya.

Jon went to the Harvest dance. LOL His group decided to go as characters from Men In Black. Jon was designated as the alien! It was funny, but he looked so cute. Remember when Jay "helped" deliver that alien baby in the 1st one? That's the kind of alien costume he wore, except without the tentacles. I can honestly say I have an alien for a brother!
I'm out of my mind, but you can leave a message.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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