Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Some Good News
08-14-2002 E 9:53 p.m.
I'm doing this with a bad headache, so bear with me.

Egypt may be a daddy. If he is, he's a good one. Last night around midnight Mom was going to let Egypt in. "Mom, I hear meows. There are kittens nearby," Jon said, who happened to be with her.

"You're hearing things," she told him and called to my cat. He came running, but then stopped about halfway as if waiting for something. Sure enough, a lil feminine feline (just a kitten) came trotting up to him. She's a soft gray, like a gathering storm cloud bank. She has the lines at her blue like Egypt does and a pink, pink nose. She has stripes, but that is where the similarities end. She's sure a noisy thang though. She sat at the french doors and meowed incessantly, wanting to get in. She has a home somewhere cause she's used to people and being indoors. She just wanted to be with Egypt. Finally, round 1:30 when Kami came home I told her about the "Storm Cloud" in hopes she would take care of my noisy problem so I could sleep. She let her in. "Storm Cloud" and Ege had a sleep over. I don't know if she is his daughter, but he was so gentle with her. He even played with her. It was sweet to watch yet we wanted her to go home. Aubree wants to keep her, but the rule is: No more cats. Only Egypt.

I have mixed feelings about that. But I understand the parents' reasoning behind this. At the same time I wish Aubree had one. It might turn her attention off Egypt a lil more. It might gentle her. Aubree's gotten really rough with him. She teases him. She traps him between her legs sometimes and thinks it's funny as he tries to wriggle free. She slings him around instead of picking him up nicely. And today she shook him like a naughty child for coming home without zee kitten. I just wanna pick him up and move out. She gives me attitude when I try to correct her. (She's taken to insulting me and my situation now as an offense to whatever I get after her for.) I just want it to be me and Ege...

I finally heard from my advisor. She ended up calling me today. My petition was approved. I could go in the fall if I wanted to. And I'm off probation. My GPA has been raised with the low grades being switched to W's. But with the semester starting in two weeks, I just told Susan I'll just go in the spring. I'm in no frame of mind to rush, rush, rush. So I have the fall for myself. Perhaps I can persuade Nan to allow me to visit. But from experience that's an iffy thang.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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