Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Signs of My Age
03-17-2002 E 10:05 p.m.
Eesh, I started gettin' round to this two hours ago! I must really be gettin' old. I come from an age or generation where politeness was hammered into you. And where, once in college, you no longer played high school games or went on obvious man hunts. Obviously, as witnessed today, the times have changed--or I've been blind all these years.

To explain, let me back up to Friday night. I don't know if I mentioned my stepsister, Jessy coming to visit for the weekend for a friend's wedding. Well, she brought three of her friends with her.

By 11:00 that night they were ready for bed after eight to ten hours on the road. So, I started turning off the lights I could reach and showed them where the other switches were. I then retreated to my room, also turning my light off but leaving the lamp on, trying to be as quiet as I could. (One of the other girls was going to sleep on the couch just in the next room.)

Last night however, did they extend me the same courtesy? No. They came back here to watch a movie. By now it was after one o' clock in the morning, and the lamp had been left on. Oh, they turned the tv way down and tried talking quietly. Until Kami came in, talking normally. I have to admit my level of tiredness affected my mood; they were irritating me with their behavior. If could have gotten out of bed, I would have leaned out my doorway and said, "I don't mean to be a witch and not to be rude or anything, but last night when y'all declared bedtime, I started turning out lights and tried to be quiet. It's past one o' clock, I'm trying to sleep and I would appreciate a lil common courtesy!"

Then throughout their visit, probably flavored by the wedding, the girls were talking about how to snare a man and playing matchmaker for each other and other friends. An analogy was made to the effect of: Men are like parking lots. There's the handicap spots, the available spots and those that are taken. The taken spots are supposedly the best. However, there are a few good spots that are available. The problem is either it's too far away and you have to gun it to make it there, or someone else has also eyed "your" parking space. In that case, you still have to gun your engine to claim that "spot," or if you don't wish to be in a car wreck you slow down and lose your chance.

They also talked of hope with the "new crop" of men coming. Today Jessy asked me if she could look up BYU-I's football roster because a few players are transfering to U of I this fall. She wanted to see if there were pictures of them to find out if they were cute.

Men of U of I, beware!

I don't remember any of my friends at Ricks or ISU--except Dana from Chicago--being so man crazy or so obviously on the hunt. I think we had a lil more class, but girls today are more bold so they're not afraid to chase. Not that I have anything against chasing the man you want with the right encouragement. It's just the degree of boldness, and how it's done. Yes, I have ranted about men likening women to pieces of top Grade A meat, but I also don't think it's right for women to talk similarly of men. There is taste, then there is vulgarity.

Do I sound old fashioned yet?

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