Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Scottish Dream
07-17-2005 E 11:36 a.m.
Feeling-- ok
Reading-- Endgame by Dee Davis
Listening to-- nothing

Here's another past dream I had. Looking at the dates and at how far apart some of them are, it's no wonder the dream journal idea fizzled on me. There aren't that very many dreams left to transfer over to this journal; I'd say if I started the other in 2002 or late 2003 and abandoned it last year or earlier this year, all of maybe 15-25 dreams were recorded in that timeframe. Kind of really frustrating to me, because there was a time (before I went on seizure medication) that I remembered almost eevvveerrryy dream I had. Not just for a few hours afterward, but for good. There are dreams from that time period that I still remember to this day. So, yeah, it's really irksome that I can't remember half my dreams anymore, and perhaps a 1/3 of the ones I do remember, I remember really well for only a few hours beyond waking up. After that, if I don't record them within that small window of time, they become hazy and I begin to lose lil details that could help in interpreting the dreams.

(originally written on 12-25-2003)
This next dream was much better in my book. Funny, unusual and romantic. And, if Dad had not come in calling, "Ho, ho!" I would have finished enjoying the kiss I was receiving...by a medieval Scottish clansman, no less. But �e la vie, when people want their stockings and presents, they want them now! So I finally, but regretfully, got up.

I'm typing this now so I can remember as much of the dream as I can before it's completely faded away. I warn you though, because of the interruption it's begun to fade a bit, so a bit will be hazy. I don't remember how it started or the last names of the clansmen anymore, but I do know that it was prompted by a recent book I just finished about a week ago, A Garden In the Rain by Lynn Kurland, my newest favorite author. She writes about two families, the MacLeods and the de Piagets, an English noble family with French ancestry. The MacLeods, however, are the interesting family. Because of powerful Highland magic, they have time gates or time "hot spots" on their lands. So they have quite interesting adventures through time. And this is what influenced my dream.

A friend of mine (in the dream) and I seemed to be from clan, perhaps it was the MacLeods or MacGregors, I dunno. But we were back in the Highlands, in the time of Clan dominance at its height. All I remember of the beginning is the two of us standing at the edge of a glen in long plaid skirts, woven shirts and tartans over our shoulders. Two men, who later would be our would-be beaux, stood at the opposite edge, staring back at us. We knew instantly, instinctively, that they were from a rival clan. *tries to think of their name* I wanna say McBride, but that sounds iffy. However, my guy's first name was Scott it seems like. They were interested and determined to get us for their brides. But at every turn and advance, we managed to stay free and unsnared. They were the enemy; we had no intention of being with them. Though we loved toying with them, being all hard to get and coy. They almost got us though one day in another clearing or it may have been the same glen. They were coming after us on horseback, but the scene changed. My friend and I were at a mall and this time we were all in modern dress, for the guys were there too. They were in jeans and casual shirts and shoes, with short haircuts. They'd attached themselves to our legs, like children do when they wrap their arms and legs 'round Daddy's leg for a ride. They were determined to hold on to us like that until we caved in. We tried our darnedest to remove them and be free of them. Somehow we managed to shake them and separated. She went to some other store while I snuck into some New Age-like store with aromatherapy candles, crystals, flowers and the like. This time I was back in my wheelchair and my clansman beau, Scott, was hot on my trail still. He'd entered the store and I was trying to find a likely aisle to hide in, but the store clerks had blanketed the floor leading to any aisle with mounds of petals from pink flowers and I did not want to crush any of them. But he caught up to me and tried to reason with me, telling me how he felt. The aisles had low divider walls that came just below the breastbone so you could see the other person in the next aisle. No matter the time or place though (we were back in America now) I was still whatever clan I was and he was whatever clan he was. In other words, of the enemy clan, but underneath my annoyance with him, I did not want to admit I was softening towards him. I rejected him outright and this time he accepted defeat and was moving up the aisle to find a way back to the front so he could leave. Soon after he moved away I felt the loss of his presence in my life and I wanted it back. I called him back and he came with a ready and joyful smile. I told him I'd reconsidered and I'd be his. It was here I got my first good look at him. He was tall and muscular, had a firm square jaw and the Celtic high cheekbones. His eyes were the purest baby blue I'd ever seen and his short hair was light-medium brown. He cupped my face in his capable hands--I was standing now--and drew me in close and kissed me gently, yet sweetly with the divider between us.

It was at this point people were wanting their Christmas.

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