Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Theater Thursday: Scary Movies
10-28-2004 E 7:25 p.m.
Ay carumba again. Lack of sleep is not good. I have a headache and wish I could shake this drowsiness. *yawns* Perhaps I'll go afk after this entry for a lil while. See if I can't wake up.

This new meme I stumbled across a few days ago is called Theater Thursday, obviously a meme dealing in movies as a theme. Today's choice is scary movies.

It's that scary time of year again. Halloween. With that in mind...

1) What's your favorite scary movie?
I've not really seen any "scary" movies by way of slashers such as Sream or Halloween. I've just seen a few intense movies that lose some of their scariness and intensity after the first viewing.

  1. Signs
  2. Sleepy Hollow
  3. the Jurassic Park films
  4. the Mummy movies
  5. Secret Window

    And ok,

  6. Practical Magic was a bit intense for me once Johnny started haunting the sisters
What can I say? I've never truly lived because I've not seen the truly awesome, scariest movies. *shrugs*

2) Are you more into the lame scary movies that make you laugh, or the straight up--scare the spit out of you--scary movies?
Well, I think my answer to no. 1 answers this question as well. I like spooky, but I like comedy thrown in to diffuse the tense and scary moments.

3) Scary movies--best viewed alone? Or with a crowd?
Oh, in a group, of course. C'mon, you know scary movies are mostly an excuse to get your arms around a girl or to have her cling to you. And I don't know of anybody who loves scary movies and likes to watch them alone.

BONUS: You've parked your behind on the couch for a marathon of scary movies. What 5 scary movies are on your list?

  1. Sleepy Hollow
  2. High Spirits
  3. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
  4. Tower of Terror
  5. Practical Magic
Well, that's all I wrote for tonight folks.

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