Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Celebrating Christmas and Remembering
12-13-2005 E 2:23 p.m.
Feeling-- restless
Reading-- Familiar Tale by Caroline Burnes
Listening to-- nothing
Breath Of Heaven
I have traveled many moonless nights.
Cold and weary with a babe inside
And I wonder what I've done.
Holy Father you have come and
Chosen me now to carry your son.

Am waiting in a silent prayer.
I am frightened by the load I
Bear. In a world as cold as
Stone must I walk this path
Alone. Be with me now. Be with me now

Breath of Heaven. Hold me
Together. Be forever near me.
Breath of Heaven. Breath of
Heaven. Lighten my darkness.
Pour over me your holiness.
For you are holy. Breath of

Do you wonder as you
Watch my face if a wiser
One should have had my place.
But I offer all I am.
For the mercy of your plan.
Help me be strong. Help me
Be. Help me

Breath of Heaven. Hold me
Together. Be forever near me.
Breath of Heaven. Breath of
Heaven. Lighten my darkness.
Pour over me your holiness.
For you are holy. Breath of

Breath of Heaven. Hold me
Together. Be forever near me.
Breath of Heaven. Breath of
Heaven. Lighten my darkness.
Pour over me your holiness.
For you are holy. Breath of

Amy Grant

When I heard this song for the first time several years ago, I instantly fell in love with it. It brought a new focus to the story of Christmas. Everyone, or most everyone, knows Mary's part in being chosen to help bring the Savior into the world and raising Him to manhood. But that's as far as it goes, for a lot of people. With all the other aspects of Christmas: gifts and Santa, his counterparts; peace on Earth and temporary goodwill to fellowmen; the birth of the Savior itself; Christmas trees and decorations; and caroling, it's lil wonder not many of us ever think or have thought about Mary herself. Of how or what she was feeling and thinking during the whole experience, from the time the angel came and told her she had been chosen to bear God's Son to the birth of Jesus Himself.

Christmas is about many things: family and friends, remembering, peace on Earth and goodwill to men, love and togetherness, the birth of Christ, giving and sharing. Santa, presents, trees and holiday decorations are part of Christmas too, yes, but they've become so commercialized, they've lost their true reasons for being. Once upon a time the real Santa was a symbol of the Christmas spirit; he was a kind soul who gave selflessly to the people. And once upon a time, the tree, the lights and star or angel topper on it, the holly boughs and pine garlands, the candy cane, the poinsettia flower and the pretzel all once symbolized or served as reminders of Christ and what He has done for us. Now...unless people know and remember their true purposes and are religious and think on them, this man (Santa Claus) and these things are just...that. Things. Empty, commercialized trappings of a holiday that is and can be so much more than Christmas lists adding up to $8,000 or more, long cranky lines at the checkout counter and a rivalry with a neighbor to have the best light and yard display ever.

Once upon time they symbolized and served as reminders of the very things Christmas is all about. They served to remind us of Christ. For He is the Reason For the Season. We wouldn't have Christmas without Him. The holiday would have remained just a pagan Yuletide celebration.

Many people get too caught up in the trappings of Christmas, the commercialized aspects of the holiday, they forget what it really is all about. The birth of our Savior, family and friends, remembering, peace on Earth and goodwill to men, love and togetherness, giving and sharing. We celebrate Christmas because we rejoice in knowing Christ was born into this world to be our Savior. To teach us how and what we must do to return to Him and the Father. To atone for our sins and to be resurrected so that we might be saved and be resurrected as well. He is the Reason For the Season.

Breath of Heaven opens up a new view on the very first Christmas some 2,000 years ago. It shares what Mary have felt and thought as she pondered on her extraordinary destiny. The focus of Christmas has always been on Christ (as it should be), Santa, presents and decorations, parties and fun, peace on Earth, etc., etc. But has anyone wondered more personally about Mary? I guess through my passionate rambling, I've tried to remind myself and others what Christmas really is all about. And what it isn't. And who, not what, the season's reason is. And to bring to light a new angle on a very important person in the Christmas story.

This is my 13th countdown offering. My, how the days have flown. Soon it will be Christmas.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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