Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Pretzel Story
12-04-2005 E 11:24 a.m.
Feeling-- restless
Reading-- After Midnight by Teresa Medeiros
Listening to-- tv

(originally typed on 12-05-2005)
I've done the legend of the Poinsetta, and I've done the story of the candy cane, but I've yet to tell you about the origins of one my favorite snacks: the Pretzel.

Pretzels and...Christmas? Aren't they for all year-round? And for everyday?

Aye, they are, but, once upon a time, they had a very special purpose. Like the candy cane, they served as reminders to everyone, reminders to remember and think on Heavenly Father. To turn to Him.

The Pretzel Story
It was only a few weeks before Christmas in 610 A.D. The monastery bakery was preparing for the holidays. Brother Bachman was earnestly kneading bread dough while he watched the village children playing in the snow outside the chapel window. It's too bad they aren't as interested in coming to church and learning their prayers, he thought.

The growing apathy of the village folks saddened him. "If only there was some way to get them back to the church." Brother Bachman continued to work the dough and ponder his dilemma. As he was finishing up the last loaves of bread, he was suddenly struck with a most original idea. He thoughtfully gathered up the leftover dough and began to form pencil-like strips, which he then twisted into a shape that looked like a child's arms folded in prayer. "Ah! a Pretiola!" he declared, which in Latin meant "little reward."

He opened the bakery window and called out to the children. "Come in, come in say your prayers, and I will give you a Pretiola!" It didn't take much convincing. Soon each child had learned a prayer and proudly received a "little reward." Rushing home, the children excitedly told their parents. Word of Brother Bachman's idea soon spread through the village, and children and parents alike visited the chapel to receive a Pretiola.

One child proudly placed his Pretiola on the small church's Christmas tree. Not to be outdone, the others followed. Soon the entire tree was beautifully decorated with this unique symbol of their achievements. The Christmas Prayer Service that year was especially festive and bright. The church was filled with families once again. And as the cheerful voices rose in prayer and song together, Brother Bachman smiled joyfully and thanked the Lord for little rewards.

The Pretiola soon found its way into Germany and Austria. It became a symbol of excellence used to reward worthy accomplishments as the church and youth programs flourished.

Through the centuries, the Pretiola became known as a "Pretzel" as we know it today, and decorating the Christmas tree with Pretzels became a special family tradition that continues. Thanks to Brother Bachman's bakery inspiration.

A sweet story, in more ways than one. *soft laugh*

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