Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Pets Are Worse Than Babies Sometimes!
10-27-2001 E 7:57 p.m.
*blows out a breath* Sheeshamonga! Pets can be worrisome sometimes. Ever since Egypt's wild escapade that landed him with a broken leg and 3� weeks in a cast, he's been staying closer to home and comes in after an hour or when we call him. But today...he changed my middle name to Worrywart.

He went missing for about four hours this afternoon. Musta been having a grand ole time exploring or making the rounds with the ladies, cause no matter how low loud or how many times we called him he never appeared. I only noticed him missing when Aubree asked where he was. I last knew him to be in the laundry room when Mama and Dad left for I.F. I didn't think any more about his whereabouts for awhile as I was doing my math. But when he continued to be scarce my worry radar went on alert.

I knew he had to be outside or down in the "dungeon" (our basement/storage). I knew if he was outside he would come home eventually. So I wasn't too worried until two or three hours had passed. We continued to search and call off and on. No Egypt. By 5:30 I was getting a headache. Mom had called around 4:30 and Aubree had asked where Egypt was. He had been in the laundry room. Ok, so we knew that much. He was here up till that that. Not more than 10 minutes after the 'rents left Jon left with the slamming of the door, mad as Hades at Kami. That's when we lost track of Egypt. For all I knew he escaped when Jonny left or he was stuck in the basement. To me, it was a real mystery.

I felt like a detective almost, with the clues yet missing the obvious. Jon, when he got home the second time--after going to burn CDs on Michael's computer--didn't remember Egypt streaking past as he ran out the first time. So that left me clueless as to if he really was outside or not. But, around 6:30 he (Ege) came sauntering in. Ggrrr! Pets can worry you worse than babies, I swear.

One good thing that happened today was I went past my goal on homework today. I did what I woulda done in two days. It actually went fast because this assignment in math didn't require a lot of long hand figuring. Though I am going to have ta buy a scientific calculator for zee test. Go figure.

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moon phase


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