Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Where's the Order In Life?
11-04-2001 E 3:31 p.m.
Still no Egypt. But last night Aubree says she saw him twice, once in the backyard and on the fence in front between us and the neighbors on the right. *sigh* Then why didn't you bloody catch him and bring him home?! Sheesh, girl! She's more interested in playing. *shakes head* I swear, she's one person who seems to be such a genuine airhead. I know she's smart, but a lot of the questions she asks...

*pauses; sighs* I don't mean to be on a terror, or ripping on the munchkin. I'm just...frustrated and tired. Tired of people's attitudes, tired of things not working the way they should, tired of hoping and half expecting to see Egypt sauntering through the dining room. Or running across the yard to the french doors. I just want things to run smoothly for awhile so I can concentrate on prioritizing my life. Once upon a time it was in order. Now it's in somewhat of "a mess" to use Heather's words from a similar topic.

Oh I know life is never perfect. But, it can have some order, right? I just wish I had some now: Egypt home, my diary totally working, a new wheelchair, great grades. Tall order, huh?

And on top of that I need to work on my temper. Grandma is onery again. I was only warning her about it being her last big dollop of ketchup for her fries because of her diabetes. She told me to shut my mouth and tend to my business. I flared and called her an old woman and told her to quit being rude. I then later learned she'd tried spanking Aubree yesterday because she was annoyed with her. *sigh* I really need to tamp things down and... Maybe I need to get a firm grip on my temperment before I try and start a habit of scripture reading again. It seems like anymore I can only juggle a few balls in the air. Right now, school in my main one that I need to keep juggling smoothly. Another is paying all my bills relatively on time. Then there's what I would like to do--start a savings account to spoil myself every so often without dipping into my checking. But that's gotta wait. Ppfftt. Ok, here's what should come first, though I may be doing it wrong:

Hopefully once these are taken care of--or started--my life will iron out some. Cause I would be sssooo happy if more than one thing started going right at the same time. Yes sir.
I bought Shrek yesterday and it's been nothing but Shrekmania this weekend. Last night Jon invited friends over and we watched it. Then Michael watched part of it this morning and I finished it. Then Aubree had to watch it this afternoon because she'd been gone. So it's felt like a Shrekathon. And they added a new hilarious ending on the video. Anyways I better go. Perhaps call for Ege again.

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