Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Old ISU Friends
01-11-2003 E 5:04 p.m.
Hmm, sorry if last night's later entry was a bit helter-skelter. I was trying to beat zee clock as my brother was to be home at midnight, and I knew we'd be goin' ta bed soon after that. And it really was on a whim that I wrote that. Plus, once Jon did return home we played with Egee so he felt loved. And Jon tried sharing his enthusiasm for Magic� The Gathering. Anyone of you familiar with that game? Usually I would have been more attentive to that as it sounds interesting. I'm thinking about getting a Blue-White deck, so I can dabble at the game when zee mood strikes moi.

Anyhoo, for once the past has brought nice surprises for me. A few of my Poky-ISU friends have contacted me via email. Kjerstina wishes to come up and see me the 22nd. *grins happily* It's been ages since we have been able ta do anythang together. I think we may try going to zee movies or go bowling or something. Oh! And she's been accepted into the LPN (Licensed Practicing Nurse) program come February! She makes an excellent nurse, or will make one once she's had all her schooling.

Tricia, the one who married her RM soon after he came home is busy with her lil girl. Dani is now crawling and pulling herself up to stuff and is just happily pulling stuff off shelves with her chubby lil fists. *laughs*

And my other friend, Rachel, whom I haven't mentioned in a long time is ready to pop at the end of this month with her and Bryan's first child, I believe. Babies, babies, babies! LOL. 'Tis the time for babies I guess. Since most of my friends are married, I guess it's onto the next stop...Babyville. *winks*

Rachel asked me if I was dating anyone. Uuhh, ask the male population that one, my dear. Some think I'm sweet, cool and/or refreshing, but none so far--at least none who would be worth getting involved with--have been able ta look past the doggone wheelchair. Oh well.

If you are reading these entries from Thoughts of a Writer... and going back to my Diaryland debut, I apologize for the frequently boring and depressing undertone in many of them. 1998-2001 was a hard time for me as you may vaguely remember if you've been with me since my Diaryland beginning. I was still burned out a bit in 2000 and was still trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to get my head on straight--as evident by the fence-sitting I did with Evan. So, if this is a bad idea--adding entries from my old journal here--please let me know and the unintentional torture will stop. *winks*
When you love someone draw a circle around their name instead of a heart 'cause hearts can be broken but circles never end.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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