Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Grizzlies and Old Faithful
07-12-2003 E 12:56 p.m.
Ok. The long awaited end to Yellowstone trip is here. Had to go back and reread what I had included or left out for this entry.

The next morning--after a very late night--we checked out and headed towards Old Faithful. We'd saved that for last because it was the most common attraction at the park. On the way we stopped a couple of times, curious as to what drew other tourists to park on the side of zee road. Both times it was grizzlies. Kjerstina finally saw her much wanted grizzlies. The first attraction was a grizzly bear taking down a bison and feeding on it. However, this gruesome aspect of nature was too far away to see with the naked eye. This is where binoculars woulda come in handy very much.

The second grizzly bear sighting was a bit closer and homier. It was still aways off, but you could see the mama bear and her two cubs without binoculars (though they helped). It was fun, though some idiots were sneaking further into the trees to take pictures. Didn't they realize what a mama bear would do if she felt her cubs were threatened? Attack! that's what.

We made it to Old Faithful an hour later, just as it blew. We were crossing the parking lot so we had to wait another 70 minutes + or - till its next eruption. Another geyser (smaller) near it erupted some minutes after it did, then Castle Geyser, a mile or so north of Old Faithful, erupted some 10 minutes after. Man o man! Did it erupt! We saw it erupt from the walkway around the geysers and hot springs by Old Faithful. I'm not a great judge of distance, and I don't know if this is true or not in actuality, but it looked like it shot higher than Old Faithful from where we were and, in truth, it went on a lot longer. Soon after we ate at the Old Faithful Grill and came on home.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
~Robert Frost~

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