Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Nightmare Chase
10-23-2003 E 2:12 p.m.
I'm chilled yet sleepy. I don't like that combination very much. In fact, I could have stayed in my warm, cozy bed till very late in the morning if it hadn't been for two things. 1) I needed the bathroom and 2) Mom's bowling league.

I had a very off night. I read till I was tired, prayed and then tried to settle in and get comfy. But it wasn't too easy. My mind kept whirring with other thoughts, of daydreams, of my story, of the coming day. Then of course, there was the nightmare. My mind incorporated last night's Diagnosis Murder with remnants of a remembered girls' school in one of the thousands of books I read.

I was a child again, and for a reason I no longer remember now, a dark man was after me. One could feel evil radiate from him as he chased me. He had a rifle and shot off round after round, narrowly missing me. I think he did get me a few times, but out of sheer refusal to be caught and killed I think I willed the bullets to miss their mark in tree trunks instead. I had my wheelchair in its highest gear, racing through a forest, rounding corners and thinking if I made it to this one big tree with a hollow hiding place I'd be safe. I was semi-wrong. Half way to the tree the man suddenly turned into an irate, mannish but still evil, headmistress of my school. I'd refused to obey her in something and I'd run away. The hollow was dark as I entered it and suddenly it became an empty store after closeout. It was like this was all inside the tree. The store then became an office like from the movie, 9 to 5. Dolly Parton was even there as a typist or receptionist. The lady still had her gun with every intention of using it. On me. I raced into an office and tried ducking in a corner then under a desk. The woman followed me into the tree, carrying her rifle in a purposeful manner with a menacing expression on her ugly face.

At this point I woke up very unsettled. I turned over on my side and tried to settle down. My second dream was as weird, but I can't remember the details. Which is just as well. I keep wanting to say I was pregnant, but...that doesn't have the right ring to it. It was another dream from another night.
It is never too late to give up your prejudices.
~Henry David Thoreau, Walden~

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moon phase


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