Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Need To Wake Up
09-06-2005 E 4:50 p.m.
Feeling-- lethargic
Reading-- The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
Listening to-- nothing

One thing I don't like about the mind, or body, is how, if you don't engage your mind in something almost immediately from the time your mind is cleared of the Sleep Fog, you're going to be listless and most likely very unproductive the rest of the day. Which is how I am. Oh joy, joy, joy.

It's not that I remained unfocused once I "woke up." I kept getting distracted by the comings and goings going on in this house and then my stomach decided we were hungry, but, unhappily, or more correctly, lunch was put off while people dinked and time was ticking away. I had to be at therapy at two this afternoon, so logically, I needed to eat before then. My mother decided that we were going to eat out today, so...cool. I like eating out. But it was going on 1:30 and she hadn't left yet to go get our food at Burger King. By this time I was so hungry I really couldn't think straight.

By the time I got my food--from New York Burrito...it's a lot closer--I only had 10 minutes to eat. Needless to say, Mom tried to hurry, but if she hadn't been dinking around with something that could have waited, I would have had time to eat. As it was, I had to go to therapy and then come back and finish my meal and drink.

Yes, it could be worse, and this is paltry to what the hurricane victims are going through, and in that light I feel bad about complaining. But I also hate feeling like this as well. Like something just above being a zombie.

I have the desire to get something done, like working a bit more on my wizard cross-stitch--but a whole length of two strands last night rebelled, rendering itself unusable when one strand decided to get in a hopeless tangle with itself and its partner. I literally, after spending probably nearly 20 minutes trying to sort it out, had to cut my losses with that particular piece of thread. I'm not really up to battling with a replacement length of thread just now.

I want to write another piece or two for my Soulfood Silk Road Journey, but I don't have the energy or presence of mind to make much sense of them, much less make them sound reasonably good. I also have the stirrings to make a Halloween image or layout, but, again, I lack the energy and the mental enthusiasm for something of a creative nature.

I want, but I don't have the will or interest to make things a reality. Not today, at least. I hate that. I need, or want, to wake up.

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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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