Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Good Deed For Sunday
06-23-2002 E 6:35 p.m.
Howdy folks! Doing two entries today. Aren't you lucky? ;0)

It seems if you wake up early, say around 6 o' clock, interesting things are bound to happen. I guess last night, in her tiredness, Mom in a roundabout way suggested Mike and Jen might have gone with her and Kami to Texas had they all really thought about it. Well, this morning Mike called, asking if she'd been serious. Astonished, she responded it was up to them and Nan. "Call her and see what she says."

Mike did so and so now Mom and Kami have extra company along for the ride. Mike and Jen have been wanting to make it down to Texas before he leaves for basic training, but since they had winter jobs which dissipated with the snow, they have no money. Thus as you can imagine, they jumped at the chance for a ride.

They took off around eight, and Dad went back to bed. But he wouldn't be able to sleep long, and the travelers wouldn't get very far. It was a few minutes after Dad went up that the house phone began to ring. After 12 rings I knew it had to be someone from our family. Because they know it may take me awhile to answer the phone, they let the phone ring and ring. Luckily, for them I had my phone by my bed. I called whosever cell phone happened to be (it was Mike and Jen's) to find out what they needed.

The LHX, our newest car, had begun heating up and stalled on the road that goes by Grandma's. They needed Dad to check the car out.

"But he's gone back to bed," I informed Mom.

"Well, he needs to get up and--" *the phone cut out* "--he--" *the phone cut out again* "--Now hang--" *again* "--so I can--" *again* "--Dad--" she was strident in her tone.

When it cut out a fifth time I just hung up. She was frustrated and I was the unfortunate recipient. But, I reasoned, if that cell phone kept dying out it was unlikely they'd be able to get a coherent message to Dad, so I called the house and let it ring. On my second try Dad picked it up. I explained the situation. Dad was getting ready to leave when Mike knocked at the front door. In the end they took Mike and Jen's smaller red car.

That was my good deed for the day, folks.

Does it ever seem to you that when you just get one thing fixed, something else breaks? We just got the van back and now the LHX is kaput. Dad thought it was a simple matter of some such part, but upon further examination it turns out it's much more complicated than what he thought.
A lot of money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.

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moon phase


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