Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Number 1998 Or 1,998
06-24-2002 E 7:25 p.m.
Ugh, I hate seizures. They can wipe you out...really take you for a loop. I wish they'd go like they appeared--like a flash, never to curse me again. But obviously the Lord thought I could deal with them when I was older, or I wouldn't be having them every flipping month. *sigh* It'd just be nice to go without them.

Oh my gosh, my brother has found this program on The Discovery Channel, called Monster Garage. It's about this direct descendant of Jesse James (who also bears that infamous name), who loves bending the rules. He and his maverick crew take challenges of turning ordinary vehicles into monster inventions and racing them. In the episode they (Dad and Jon) just finished watching, the team turned a VW into a swamp boat. It's still a car, but you can now now take it for a spin on the bayou. LOL Pretty ingenious, huh? Now, they're gonna turn a mustang into a lawn mower, which Jesse will race. I have to admit, it's pretty fascinating though I'm not into cars or mechanics.

And not surprisingly, Evan has made himself scarce. He was on Saturday and we were talking, then *poof!* he vanished. Granted, this time he hasn't established a steady pattern of being around or emailing as he's been busy with two jobs. So I really have no basis this time to say he ran...again...until he himself confirms it or denies it. His computer could have crashed, he could have had a power outage, etc. Or he could have had second thoughts. Who knows. But I ain't gonna worry about it, if he truly wants me he's gonna have to chase me and prove it. But truly, if he were the one, he wouldn't have run in the first place or he would have gotten over the disability thing after he came back the first time around.

I was discussing this with my sis in HI last night and she brought up something I haven't thought of in awhile. "Then obviously he wasn't your Warrior, whatever number he is."

I was gently surprised and touched she remembered the story in the Book of Mormon about Helaman's 2000 Stripling Warriors. I joke that Warrior 1,998 is mine. I don't know why I chose that number; perhaps I didn't want the last--perhaps he woulda been too perfect for me. *winks* Warrior 1,998 then, with that frame of mind, would have just enough flaws to be able to put up with mine. LOL But as I said, I don't know why I chose that number; 1998 wasn't exactly a good year for me. The only good things to come out of it were getting my endowments and Michael going on his mission. Perhaps that's why?

Here's my poem I wrote, dedicated to him in April of 1998 in lieu of a quote:

My Stripling Warrior

As I sit by the window in
My room, I ponder and wait
For him whom I know is
      to be mine.
I know naught, but a
Stripling Warrior he will be,
Like one of Helaman's of old.
Valiant and true, strong and
Brave, giving all he has to
Help another and myself--
A Good Samaritan indeed.

As I sit by the window in
My room, I ponder and wait
For him whom I know is
      to be mine.
I pray nightly for his
Safety and happiness.
I know naught, but I have
Felt his comforting presence
Close around me. I hope and strive
To be worthy of him when
At last we meet.

As I sit by the window in
My room, I ponder and wait
For him whom I know is
      to be mine.
Will he be blonde or
Dark-haired? Tall or short?
I know naught, nor care naught,
As long as he loves me.
What will he think of me,
I wonder? Will my personality
Be enough, with my plainess
Of face?

As I sit by the window in
My room, I ponder and wait
For him whom I know is
      to be mine.
I anticipate, but I am in no
Hurry. The bloom of romance
Will blossom in time. Then
Together we'll love, learn and
Grow old, living a life of service.

Sappy, I know, but it helped the loneliness at the time.

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moon phase


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