Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
To Be a Mother
05-14-2004 E 11:47 a.m.
P-O-Y this week is doing its tribute to Moms.

Last Mother's Day we simply used the word 'Mom' as inspiration. This year I'd like to try something a little different because Mother's Day is looked at by so many angles. You may respond to all or one of the following...

To me, Mother's Day has always been a special day set aside to honor those special women who gave us life or made us a welcome part of their family, who've sacrificed for us and done the many thankless tasks. It is a the day to show our gratitude and love.

Mothers have the most rewarding, yet thankless job. Children can be their pride and joy in lessons learned at their knee or in selfless deeds performed for others and in sound decisions made. Yet we can be their greatest sorrow in wrong decisions, in our thoughtlessness and rebellion. There are the days of cleaning up after a lazy husband, slobby kids, a sick child in the middle of the night, being a chauffer, a kid chaser, a cook coping with the demands of a hungry family. My mom through the years has done this and more. With me in a wheelchair and needing help, she's had to many things for me that a mom wouldn't need to for a grown daughter. So yeah, she dserves to be honored.

It is only one dream I have, that of being a wife and mother. But it's one I'm sure I'll have to wait for. True, I've been a homebody for most of my life, and in order to make this dream come true I've gotta get out and be seen. *soft laugh* But even then who says that's when it'll happen? Not many men have wanted or bothered to look beyond the chair and disability. I've been a freak, or if they haven't minded the outward packaging, a sis or bud. I've never really had a guy in real life who's thought of me in that way when I've thought of him that way. And personally, even if I get out and meet new guys in the near future, I don't see the romance of a lifetime coming. So motherhood will have to wait.

Even so, with that frame of mind, I've often pondered how I'd take to motherhood--and I realize I'm doing this P-O-Y in reverse order. Knowing myself and my temperment, and having watched my parents raise my brothers, sisters and me, I have a pretty good idea of what kind of mom I'll be...or at least the ideal plan of discipline. However, nothing turns out as planned all the time, especially childrearing.

I would be a disciplinarian mom. Nothing so harsh or severe as punishments go. But I would strive to have no double standards--I hate those!--and I would stick by my guns and not give in when discipline is needed. My husband will have to be the softie to balance the childrearing out.

I once had this reality-like daydream: I was home typing on my computer when two darkhaired kids, a boy and girl, came running in, chasing each other and being rambunctious. I turned around and told them to play somewhere else; Mommy needed to work on her book and Daddy would be home soon. It was a homey scene and made me smile with warmth inside. It's another dream I want to come true...

the quality, not the longevity of life is what is important.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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