Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Insanity and Surprises
01-14-2004 E 8:01 p.m.
My days since the last entry in this journal haven't been packed, but enough's happened that my mind's awhirl. Heather's been dealing with the ups and downs of life and love and I've remained steadfast at her side. We'll skip the particulars.

I went temporarily insane last night and bought a domain name for my design site. As Heather logically asked, "Why? What's the point to having your own domain?"

Uuhh, well...as I said, my only defense was I went insane...temporarily. I had no good answer to justify the impulsive action. "Right now it means I went insane. If it turns a profit, it'll mean I'll earn an income of my own. Outside of the State." I honestly answered.

If that site succeeds, I'll have some extra money to save or spend as I please. I won't be totally reliant on SSI. 'Course, I realize I could totally be pipe dreamin' here and the domain could be a bad buy, but it would be nice if some people liked my designs.

And last of the things my mind's awhirl about is a surprise I received earlier this evening. Milo, a guy I've written about before, but not for a long time, refound me on MSN. Last time we talked regularly was over a year and a half to two years ago. *pauses as that really sinks in* Wow... I took him off my list finally, because whenever I saw his name pop on and I tried to say hello, I got no response. He was living with his sister and brother-in-law at the time so I concede it could have been either one of those two, besides he mentioned the computer they used was old and crappy so there was that factor. However, when it became a repeated occurrence I just figured he'd found himself a girl and moved on, and it was time for me to move on as well. Thus, he was deleted.

But after this amount of time Milo found me again. He said he'd been trying to track me down or find me. That he'd been ill when he could not find my snail mail address or my email. I'd been in his mind even though we'd lost contact. So, it seems I'm unforgettable to one guy at least. I had fun teasing him and cannot believe how much I want to talk to him again. He's joined the Navy and so is at an aircrew school at the base in Pensicola, Fl. He won't have much time to chat. And I doubt he'll write much...if at all. Who knows though.

Heather says it my time for a dip in the pool of romance. I say, ha! not likely.

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