Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
What Will You Make of Life?
04-17-2004 E 6:31 p.m.
Yes, I'm updating.

We ended up taking my computer in anyway to the shop because the viruses/spyware on my computer said, "Ha ha. There's no way we're gonna let you try to install that there antivirus program you bought to get rid of us. We ain't gonna let you! Nuh-uh!" The viruses on this thing would not allow McAfee to install properly. So, we let the tech do battle with the viruses. *sticks tongue out at those viruses*

I probably shouldn't have, but I bought books 2 & 3 of the Xanth series just before I came here to update. I'm a bit depressed right now, and shopping for a lil something for myself always seems to help. (Heather got me started on that series and about a year ago I found a nice lil used online bookstore while surfing for unicorn pictures. So last month I decided to see if it carried any Xanth novels, 'cause I want to collect them. [It has really good prices, btw...] It did, but with expenses last month I only got the first book, A Spell For Chameleon...$3.)
I've been pondering this topic for about a week since a conversation with Heather. *half smile* Seems like quite a few of my entries are sparked by convos with her, doesn't it?

I have been known to say, "Life is hard, then you die." And, certainly it is hard. And whoever coined the question "Whoever said life was fair?" was wise and totally honest. It isn't fair; it's downright rough! And nobody knows that more than Heather right now.

*slight smile* I'm reminded of Sarah from Labyrinth, who constantly complained throughout the movie: "It's not fair!" None of the things Jareth did to keep her from the city and castle were fair, but he did them. And Sarah finally realized he did them because he could and that she had to deal with 'em. Whether she liked it or not. Things were no easier once she realized that, but yet, they were in a sense because she accepted what was reality and dealt with whatever came her way.

Life is hard, and then we die. I told Heather recently life doesn't get any better, but He won't give us anything we can't handle. And Mom reminded me we make life what it is. In essence, we can "make lemonade from the lemons life hands us" or we can bemoan our fate and blame unfairly the Father of us all.

I keep thinking of our prophet who so recently lost his beloved wife. He grieves for her deeply, but my comfort--and I'm sure it's his comfort too--is they will be together in the eternities. They've both lived exemplary(sp?) lives and they were married for time and eternity. Life is hard, but what will you make of it?

Life is only 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it.

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moon phase


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