Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A New But Long-Standing Pet Peeve
07-05-2002 E 4:33 p.m.
I hate favoritism among families. It just made the list of pet peeves I have. Oh, it's been a thorn that's irritated me off and on. But until today I just brushed it aside. I'll have to continue dealing with it, as there's absolutely nnoootthhing I can do to change it. People are the way they are, and though they probably don't mean to and are very nice people, they play favorites.

I've grown up with it all my life, not really understanding or seeing it until I grew older and could observe. My oldest aunt and her husband prefer his side of the family to us. It hurts Mom that they can make time for family events on that side, but when it's us, her own sister has too much to do. Or it has to be a quick trip, where they stay with his mom and visit her for awhile yet spend only 20 minutes with us. =os Then they hit the road back to Utah.

Grannie, my great-grandmother also had her favorites. My birth father, Uncle Mike, me...then later my cousin Megan. Nan and Paw Paw favor Mike and me because we are their blood. Understandable yes, but it doesn't necessarily make it right. But, it's the way it is, and I just have to suck it up.

What got my dander up is Jessy's blatant favoritism of Kami. True, she and I have hardly have anything in common anymore and she and Aubree are too much alike in the temperment department, so naturally the middle sister (Kami) and Jessy are closest. All this aside, normally sisters and friends are your bridesmaids. Out of this family, only Kami is going to be. Jessy's rationalization is Aubree's too old (12) to be a flower girl and too young to be a bridesmaid.

Pardon my french, but what the heck? My cousin Maren had her youngest sister who was 12 be a bridesmaid. And Jessie, Aubree's friend next door (12 again) got to be a bridesmaid for her aunt! And what was Jessy's excuse for me not being one? She's having the girls wear wide legged pants and she's afraid the hems would get caught in the tires. News flash: I've worn those type before. Maybe not as wide as she wants the pant legs to be, but I have. It's never been a problem. Never. And you know what? The pants could be hemmed up to avoid the tires. Bottom line is, she has her favorite in her line. And her consolation was: "Don't worry, I think you and Aubree will have flowers too. Just color coordinate."

I just smiled and nodded. Favoritism sucks. I only hope I don't practice it if I ever have kids or grandkids. Ha! If I live that long.
Success is getting up one more time than you're knocked down.

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