Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Letting Go of Some Stress
10-06-2004 E 11:53 a.m.
Ugh. Work brain, work! I don' wanna! Well, ok, fine then. *yawns* I really gotta stop these night owl habits; I really do. I'm getting too old for this. Either that or I'm in denial for slight depression.

Michael got orders for Iraq--he's definitely going. Whether sometime this month or in Dec. I dunno yet. I'm hearing two different plans, so next time I see Mike I'll ask him. Anyway, because he'll be over there for a year and a half to two years our parents decided to go to Utah this weekend--or rather Mom decided--as a fam to see grandparents. (Paw Paw has already moved to Utah and Nanner is up from Texas for two weeks before she goes back to pack up and finish the sale of their home.)

*sigh* It's been quite the two months for changes, and for privacy reasons I'm not going to mention them here. Plus they really don't concern me; I'm just a bystander observing them happening to those I love.

*pauses as a strange thought hits* Instead of being "Dear Abby", I have my own dilemma I could send in for advice. Whatever the answer is I know it's not gonna be easy. The cowardly way would be to keep my mouth shut and let things ride. The brave (yet hard) way will be to approach the person and have a heart-to-heart with her. She's been thinking of herself mostly and it's time I did the same. Yet before I go off half-cocked I need time to play it by ear, see how thangs go this month.

I need to pray. Mom's right. Heavenly Father knows the final outcome and He will give me the answer I need. As a quote Heather once gave me reads, It's all okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end. Sage advice from whoever gave it first. It's definitely not the end. Though I wish I had the peace of mind that comes with most endings now. =os

To end this entry on a less somber note I'll close with Egypt's latest feline antics. Last night I was waiting for Kami and Jon to come on home from wherever they ran off to. I went into the kitchen to get a roll to munch on and so turned on the lights to see. I sat there in my chair munching away, when all the sudden I heard scratching at the laundry room door. I stopped chewing as I saw the door shudder. I knew Egypt was trying to get in. LOL. So I sat back, curious to see if he'd succeed.

The door moved slightly inward. This gray paw with a horizontal white stripe across it edged between the opening and pushed the door further inward. I could see the shadow of a feline head against the white of zee door as Ege tried to poke his head through. Aaaaallmost, but no cigar. Again he stuck his paw out and pushed the chasm wider. This time I saw his furry head push through before he squeezed his way out.

"Egypt!" Amused and amazed I watched as he lazily looked up at me, pleased and unconcerned about his escape.

Padding over to me he watched me for a minute before jumping up on my lap. Mmmrrow.

I don't care what my siblings say. He is not a stupid cat. He just...chooses his moments in showing off his superior feline smarts. And when he lays in your way, you, the peasant will just have to endure and move around him.

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
~Raymond Lindquist~

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moon phase


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