Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Michael Jackson's Halloween Crypt
10-31-2002 E 9:13 p.m.
Best witches everybody! Hope you've had a good one so far and hope you'll be be safe, what with the dead walking amongst us tonight. *winks*

VH1 has had Michael Jackson's "Halloween Crypt" on all day. It consists of spooky extended music videos like "Thriller" and his latest, "Ghosts," plus the makings of each and a concert of his. "Thriller," of course, is my favorite. I just like everything about it, the song itself, the choreography and costumes. Even Vincent Price's part. The story in "Ghosts" is pretty cool, and I think there is a lil bit deeper message in it dealing with Michael's psyche. The costumes and choreography once again is excellent, however I'm not to wild about zee song, 2 Bad. I'll keep checkin' ta see if "Thriller" is on later, if not then I better start my movies. Or at least start one, like Practical Magic or The Canterville Ghost.

I caught part of Michael Jackson's concert on tv. Man! He expends a lot of energy on stage. No wonder he's so thin! A pencil. Anyways...and the fans! They were the stereotypical eat, breathe, sleep and live for the rockstar variety. I don't mean to mean to be rude, but they were psychotic! The women were crying, the men looked so intense or hypnotized and most everybody had at least one arm in the air waving them.

I love music as much as the next person, trust me. And I love many of his songs--Billie Jean, Beat It, Thriller, Black or White and the theme song from Free Willy the movie. But I must not understand the fan's mindset. Or devotion. It's bordering on obsession! I couldn't believe their behavior.

And finally, a vent. I need advice. Aubree is taking all the liberties she can whilst Mom and Pop are in Twin Falls for Kami's tournament. Should I let her take as many as she wants and if Mom and Dad ask, inform them of the liberties? Or should I try for a semblance of order and if Aubree refuses, back off and then tell? Or not tell at all? If I do tell, I'm labeled--by Aubree of course--as a tattletale, but the reason I do tell them is because she needs reining in and they're the only ones with the authority in this house who can or should rein her in. The frustrating thing about all this is they're not consistent with the depth or length of discipline. She walks over everyone here. And my parents don't seem to want to expend the energy it'll take to teach Aubree.

I should just back out of it all, but when Aubree turns her attitude on me it's dang hard not to take action or react. I hate confrontation, but I will not sit by and let people treat me as second class or threaten me. My parents are insane in not taking Aubree fully to task. But I will shut up about this now. It's become painfully apparent I'm standing before a brick wall in terms of Aubree's handling. She isn't my daughter (thank goodness), she won't respect what I have to say or the reasons why I say them, and the parents don't see fit or aren't wanting to expend the energy to change the situation. It would behoove me to just watch out for myself and let the evidence speak for itself. Or let the consequences slap the three of 'em awake. And on that note, I'll say Blessed Be, Y'all.
Moon-spinners, spinning the moon tonight
Moon-spinners, spinning a silver light...

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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