Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
It's Sad That....
12-17-2001 E 8:12 p.m.
*disgusted sound* It's sad when you need to be held and cherished (by someone outside your familia) and there is no one there to do it.

It's sad when four or five females have romantic interests, yet those said interests are either not interested in them, not really seeing them or are interested, yet interested in another as well. =os I could fall under both catagories. *sigh*

It's sad when a guy expresses interest, but is 2,000+ miles away for either one of you to do anything about it.

It's quite depressing when ten minutes after you get up you burst into tears because life seems too much and you want to leave your current environment.

It's sad that you feel this way when someone's life hangs by a thread, and if she lives she will have brain damage. Compared to this, all your current woes are trivial and you feel even more miserable because you're "Woe is me-ing" over things more insignificant than somebody fighting for her life.

*sigh* I've said this a bazillion times, I know. I so want out of Idaho. I'm tired of the cold, I'm tired of the snow. I want my own place again. I've also said this a bazillion times: Why am I never good enough alone? Why can't a guy want me and me alone, not even wanting another in his life? Where are you, my other half? What's wrong with me that even though guys find me refreshing and appealing, they bring a third party into it?

And why is it that lately guys seem to have it good, as in he's the one more than one girl wants? Why can't it be the other way round?

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moon phase


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