Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
In the Kitchen: The Friday Five On a Saturday
05-17-2003 E 4:54 p.m.
Bonjour, mis amies! And how are we all on this fabuloso day? Ahem, yes, I seem much perkier today than I have been all week, don't I? I think it's because I've been released from the Curse-of-All-Women, at least, until next month that is, and I the caffeine from my Pepsi has kicked in. Hooo boy, what a pick me up. But thank goodness the whacked-out pull on my normally tender emotions has lost its power for the time being. It gets sssooo frustrating when you want to cry over nothing really important.
This week's Friday Five is in the kitchen.

1) What drinking water do you prefer--tap, bottle, purified, etc.?

Some cities (Pocatello in particular) have horrible water supplies. In this case, I prefer to buy bottled water. Though, there used to be a drink--lightly flavored sparkling(?) water with the brand name Koala that I loved as a teenager. Anybody remember this?

2) What are your favorite flavor of chips?

Well, are we talking corn chips or potato chips here? If we's talking about corn chips here, then it's the Fritos brand corn chips. If we's talking about potato chips, then I'd have to say the Salt and Vinegar Baked Lays. I'm getting to where I like the Baked style rather than the tradional style. (It's less greasy!)

3) Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?

Me, cook? LOL. Um, you've never seen me try to manuever(sp?) around a typical kitchen have ya? I cannot reach the most necessary appliances and paraphenalia one needs for the making of a meal. The only things I can fix when I'm in an accessible kitchen are toast, Toad-In-the-Hole (no, not you, Heather--it's an egg in a hole cut in the middle of a slice of toast) and scrambled eggs made in the microwave. Very gourmet eating, isn't it? I'm right up there with those Italian or French chefs, let me tell ya. Not. I really don't have a favorite out of these three, sorry.

4. How do you have your eggs?

Scrambled. I cannot stand them fried or Sunny Side-Up. Fried can get too greasy and Sunny Side-Up is just...plain ick.

5) Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?

Dad. He cooked Sausage and Rice Casserole. It turned out fine. Moist, thank goodness, yet fine. Although it's a meal I'm slowly getting tired of. We have it anytime Mom or Dad are in a hurry or don't want to take much time to cook a meal. It's one of their old stand-bys.

Questions found at the Friday Five.
"It must not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter

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