Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Fear I'm Going Crazy
10-06-2002 E 12:10 a.m.
It's as the title says, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going nuts or hearing voices where none exist. Sure, there are people who are sensitive to what's on the other side of the veil separating the living from the dead. But I've never been one of them. Oh sure, I've a good imagination, but I've never thought I've heard voices. Until recently.

What makes me afraid is there is a genetic chemical imbalance that runs in my Grandma H.'s side. She has it, in fact. She has a tendency to go into deep depressions where she'll begin to hear voices that aren't real. I never have been diagnosed with or manifested symptoms of it, but there's always the scary possibility.

I'd prefer the possibility I've just gotten more sensitive to the veil I mentioned above. That way I wouldn't be crazy. Just...odder than I already am. *sigh* Crikey, I wish I knew what to do, and what the truth really is. It's only happened two or three times. Maybe four, and mostly since after my great-grandmother died. The first time was over five years ago, I was in bed half-asleep, drifting close to the line when I heard a kindly female voice call my name. "Shiloh."

I startled fully awake, of course, looking bout the room. Nobody was there, and I couldn't sense anyone either. It never happened again after that. The rest have been recently. The night after I posted An Unseen Visitor I heard female laughter. I was in bed--tired yes, but still awake--only a few minutos when I heard it. I rolled from my side to see if Jon was visiting with Mom and had told a joke. No one was down here except me, and it was dark with all the lights out. But I distinctly heard a feminine laugh. As if it were laughing at something funny. It was a bit, um, freaky.

Last night was the latest. Once again in bed, hovering near the line between sleep and wakefulness.

"Are you ready?" a female voice sounded near my ear.

Gasping, my eyes popped open as I jumped. Ready for what? came my automatic mental answer. Ready for ghouls or spirits to come visit me? Ready to die? Ready for insanity--well complete insanity? Ready for what?

I don't know what this means. I'm afraid to tell anyone outside this journal. They'll scoff I'm sure. But I had to tell it to someone. And coupled with the experiences I wrote about in An Unseen Visitor the whole thing makes for a pretty bizarre and unsettling situation. I just pray I ain't going insane. 'Course, I've been tired, but always have I been on the awake side. It's entirely possible I imagined someone calling my name as I was so tired. But I couldn't have imagined the laugh or last night's question. *sigh* Insane or sensitive, which am I?
He lives in fame that died in virtue's cause.
~William Shakespeare~

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moon phase


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